Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program  9781619546974

Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program

Product code 9781619546974

€ 49.50

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Series The Pilot`s Manual

Publisher/Brand ASA

Author Mark Dusenbury and Shayne Daku

Format a4

No. Pages 200

Version Hard cover

Language English

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Pilot Books » Flying in USA

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Product description

Becoming an airline pilot demands a well-rounded candidate—someone skilled in the operation and handling of aircraft who is of the utmost professional and moral character. This book covers the technical areas while highlighting what it means to be an aviation professional.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) outlines the content required by the Airline Transport Pilot – Certification Training Program (ATP-CTP). The ATP-CTP ground school must be completed prior to taking the FAA ATP knowledge exam needed to earn an ATP certificate. This book covers all the topics required and provides practical advice on topics pertinent to a newly-hired airline pilot, including: aerodynamics with a focus on high altitude operations, stall prevention and recovery, and general upset recovery techniques for transport category aircraft; applicable weather considerations with emphasis on abnormal weather conditions, icing, and severe weather avoidance; general operating principles when working for an airline; and physiological factors, checklist procedures, equipment failures, turbine engines, transport category performance, and automation. Concluding chapters are dedicated to leadership and professionalism, crew resource management, safety culture, and regulations, including sleep and duty regulations as well as operating rules that differ from general aviation regulations.

This book can be used in academic advanced jet transition training courses to help students prepare for their transition to the airlines. Review questions conclude each chapter.

Also available in The Pilot's Manual Series:

  • Flight School — How to fly your airplane through all the maneuvers required for pilot certification
  • Ground School — Aeronautical knowledge required for private & commercial pilot certificates
  • Instrument Flying — Aeronautical knowledge and skill required for the instrument rating
  • Access to Flight — An integrated private and instrument curriculum
  • Multi-Engine Flying — Aeronautical knowledge required to earn a multi-engine rating

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