Scale Modelling Step-by-Step, updated 2nd Edition

Product code 978191387072021

Publisher/Brand Key Publishing

Format a4

No. Pages 100

Version Soft cover

Language English

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Aviationbooks » Magazin

Availability Product out of stock and no longer available.

Product description

Welcome to the re-printed Scale Modelling ? Step-by-Step ? whether you are a total novice, returning to the hobby after a long lay-off, or an experienced modeller.

While flexibility and experimentation form a large part of building scale models, there are some standards that are set in stone and many construction, painting and airbrushing methods are featured here. Primarily, though, this instructional publication is aimed at beginners who, if they choose to stick with it, will have entered a fascinating and fun arena in which to develop their creativity.

Modelling encompasses many disciplines, and for younger people it is perfect for developing manual dexterity and patience. For those interested in history the hobby presents a fantastic opportunity to explore research material ? not just for inspiration, but also for achieving the best possible accuracy.

The content in Step-by-Step has been compiled by Swedish modeller Toni Canfora, who more experienced builders may recognise as a stalwart of the Nordic Edge modelling collective. This group has, over the years, developed an impressive array of skills and techniques and many emulate their style. Apart from being a highly skilled modeller and publisher, Toni has a knack for describing often complex processes in layman's terms, making them easy to read and understand and, above all, put into practice.

Those returning to modelling after a long break (teenage years, busy career, having kids) will find the hobby has, in many ways, changed beyond all recognition. In the past two decades, new manufacturers have emerged to offer a massive variety of kits, decals, accessories and books. While old favourites, such as Airfix, have rejuvenated themselves and their products to keep up with the times - and our thirst for quality and detail.

On these pages we endeavour to welcome lapsed modellers back to the fold and to help update their skills. Enjoy, and get building!

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