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Publisher/Brand European Airlines
Author Arne Karlsen Nedrelien
No. Pages 150
Version Hard Cover
Language Norwegian
Category Aviationbooks
Subcategory Aviationbooks » Civil Aviation
Availability only 1 remaining
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In 2015, Arne Karlsen Nedrelien's book "The Dakota Norway Foundation - How it came to be" was available. Arne Karlsen was the one who bought the Dakota from Finland in 1985 together with Thore Virik and was for many years the chairman of the foundation and together with Thore the first pilot. His account between two binders about buying a veteran passenger plane to Norway and then getting the authorities' approval to fly it, is well worth reading.
Although the Dakota Norway Foundation turns 35 next year, the book covers the first 18 years, it is about all the technical, administrative and not least incredibly bureaucratic (from the authorities' side) challenges.
Even for many of us who have worked with and around the Dakota for many years now, there is much new to be gained. Arne's point of departure has been, among other things, that it created a new era for the aviation authority, which was given a new area of ??responsibility for approving old aircraft from the days of the war, for use in Norwegian airspace. Through Dakota Norway and the parallel organization Warbirds of Norway, a practice was created that has today become customary in Norwegian air law.
An interesting piece of Norwegian aviation history in fine book form and is highly recommended.
Althoough in Norwegian it contains many interesting pictures