Military Aviation

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26 products found
product Publisher/Brand Series Price €
Multipurpose Utility Helicopter PZL W3 Sokól Part 2 (BACK IN STOCK) 9788361735021Multipurpose Utility Helicopter PZL W3 Sokól Part 2 (BACK IN STOCK)Answer kits€ 36.65
Secret Mission: Cold War Spy Flights in Europe Secret Mission: Cold War Spy Flights in EuropeSteijgerCold War Series€ 25.64
Eurofighter - Aktualisierte Neuauflage Eurofighter - Aktualisierte NeuauflageMotorbuch€ 32.06
On the Edge – Part One: Turning Point Berlin On the Edge – Part One: Turning Point BerlinSteijgerCold War Series€ 30.23
On the Edge – Part Four: The final countdown  (expected November 2024) On the Edge – Part Four: The final countdown (expected November 2024)ExpectedSteijgerCold War Series€ 30.23
On the Edge – Part Three: Cuba and beyond  (expected July 2024) On the Edge – Part Three: Cuba and beyond (expected July 2024)ExpectedSteijgerCold War Series€ 30.23
On the Edge – Part Two: A nuclear build up (expected March 2024) On the Edge – Part Two: A nuclear build up (expected March 2024)ExpectedSteijgerCold War Series€ 30.23
de Havilland (Canada) DHC-2 Beaver ws-139de Havilland (Canada) DHC-2 BeaverHall ParkWarpaint Series No 139€ 20.14
The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes The Hush-Kit Book of WarplanesUnbound€ 39.40
Mission Ready Mission ReadyPatrick van Dam€ 36.65
Pechvogels: straaljagers zonder toekomst Pechvogels: straaljagers zonder toekomstViolaero€ 36.65
Russian Cruiser Moskva  (once apon a time,..) 7129Russian Cruiser Moskva (once apon a time,..)KageroTopdrawings 129€ 15.55
Multipurpose Utility Helicopter PZL W3 Sokól Part 1 9788361735014Multipurpose Utility Helicopter PZL W3 Sokól Part 1Answer kits€ 36.65
The British Aircraft Carrier HMS Furious 7127The British Aircraft Carrier HMS FuriousKageroTopdrawings 127€ 15.55
FLIGHT FLIGHTDirk Jan de Ridder€ 55.00
Never Ready: Britains Armed Forces and NATO's Flexible Response Strategy, 1967-1989 Never Ready: Britains Armed Forces and NATO's Flexible Response Strategy, 1967-1989Helion & CompanyEurope @ War 16€ 24.72
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles | Current Types, Ordnance and Operations Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles | Current Types, Ordnance and OperationsHarpia Publishing€ 59.59
US Air Force Bases in the UK US Air Force Bases in the UKAmberley€ 20.14
The French Aircraft Carrier Clemenceau 7116The French Aircraft Carrier ClemenceauKageroTopdrawings 116€ 15.55
Air-to-Air Refuelling Aircraft Air-to-Air Refuelling AircraftKey PublishingModern Military Aircraft Series: Volume 3€ 21.06
AWACS, Boeing E3 AWACS, Boeing E3Motorbuch€ 27.48
Catalina CatalinaEditions JPO (Altipresse)€ 21.97
Berlin Blockade: Soviet Chokehold and the Great Allied Airlift 1948-1949 Berlin Blockade: Soviet Chokehold and the Great Allied Airlift 1948-1949Pen & SwordCold War 1945 - 1991€ 17.39
Jagdflugzeuge - seit 1945 Jagdflugzeuge - seit 1945MotorbuchTypenkompass€ 10.96
Beyond the Horizon - The History of AEW&C Aircraft Beyond the Horizon - The History of AEW&C AircraftHarpia Publishing€ 34.82
Eye on the Tigers - uncovering the 40th anniversary NATO Tiger Meet and 1st Tiger Meet of Americas Eye on the Tigers - uncovering the 40th anniversary NATO Tiger Meet and 1st Tiger Meet of AmericasDaco Products€ 18.30

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