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Scale 1 : 48
Publisher/Brand Kinetic Model Kits
Format approx W 20 x L 29.8 x H 8 cm
Category Scale Modelling Kits
Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits
Availability only 1 remaining
This product was added to our database on Friday 11 March 2016.
Your reliable Aircraft Modelling Source since 1989
Model Features:
1. Folding Wings option
2. Full Intake Trunk
3. 2 Cockpit Panels: SuE and SEM
4. Positionable Slats and Flaps
Weapons includes:
Exocet Missile
MAGIC Missile with pylon
RP1 - 595L, RP23 wing take
RP24 600L fuselage
Damocles LGB designator
Barracuda 2 jammer
Phimat Chaff dispenser
Photo Etched part is included
1. Super Etendard, Aeronavale (French Naval Aviation), 1980.
2. Super Etendard Modernise, Aeronavale (French Naval Aviation), mission on Afghanistan, 2008.
3. Super Etendard Modernise, Aeronavale (French Naval Aviation), mission on Libya, 2011. ? SEM No. 10, 33, 37,
43, 44, 65 of 17F, aboard Charles de Gaulle, operated over Libya.
4. Super Etendard, Comando de Aviacion Naval Argentina (Argentine Naval Aviation), 1980s.
5. Super Etendard, Iraqi Air Force, 1983-1985.