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Scale 1 : 48
Publisher/Brand Print Scale
Category Scale Modelling Kits
Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits » Decals
Availability only 1 remaining
This product was added to our database on Monday 7 December 2020.
Your reliable Aircraft Modelling Source since 1989
Mind: this item is a decal sheet that serves to decorate a scalemodel. The scalemodel is not included and needs to be ordered separately.
1. De Havilland D.H.82B Queen Bee, L-5894/301, St Athan, 1940-41. Dark Earth/Dark Green upper surfaces with Silver undersides and floats. Codes and serials in black, the latter repeated below both wings. Blood Red tips of upper wings. Blue/Red national markings above top wings.
2. De Havilland D.H. 82B Queen Bee, N-1837, of 'W' Flight, No 1 AACU, 1940.
3. De Havilland D.H. 82B Queen Bee. Serial: 159 From seventeen in Norway licence-built DH.82s served only one equipped with
Short floats. It was used until German invasion in 1940. Dark green paint on most surface with black cowling only. fuel tanks and floats silver.
4. De Havilland D.H. 82B Queen Bee T 7187, Royal Navy, 1976.