Mitsubishi Ki21-II 'Ko'  "Sally" Part 2  PRS48-274
Mitsubishi Ki21-II 'Ko'  "Sally" Part 2  PRS48-274

Mitsubishi Ki21-II 'Ko' "Sally" Part 2

Product code PRS48-274


€ 13.18

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Scale 1 : 48

Publisher/Brand Print Scale

Category Scale Modelling Kits

Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits » Decals

Availability only 2 remaining

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Mind: this item is a decal sheet that serves to decorate a scalemodel. The scalemodel is not included and needs to be ordered separately.

Product description


1. Ki-21-ll Ko (a) 62 Sentai 1 Chutai. Only the undersides of this aircraft were not painted in Green all other areas had an even application of paint. 62 Sentai became part of the 5th Hikoshidan in Tailand in January 1942.

2. Ki-21-ll Ko (a) 3 Kokugun Based at Sembawang, Singapore following the end of the war in September 1945, this aircraft was heavily weathered by this time with the Green camouflage was coming off in a number of areas exposing the Light Green factory paint.

3. Ki-21-ll Ko(a) 81 Sentai 1 Chutai. Despite primarily using the Dinah some Sally were used including this one. During 1943 81 Sentai were based at Lakunai, New Britain. Painted with an uneven application of Green over the fuselage and upper surfaces.

4. Ki-21-ll Ko (a) 22nd Hikoshidan, Shurebu Displaying field applied camouflaged Green patches, this aircraft was operated by the 22nd Wing Head Quarters and was based in Formosa during 1945.

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