Wooden oak Boards (50 x 4,5 x 0,5mm) 50x  prp503

Wooden oak Boards (50 x 4,5 x 0,5mm) 50x

Product code prp503

€ 6.57

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Scale 1 : 72

Publisher/Brand Propeller 77

Version Wood

Category Scale Modelling Kits

Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits » Kits: Ground Equipment/Vehicles

Availability only 4 remaining

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This product was added to our database on Monday 19 April 2021.

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Mind: this is a modelling kit.

Product description

Oak wood. Perfect for constructing doors, shutters, fences, roofs, stowage debris etc. Cut to size with a sharp hobby knife or scissors or just break in half




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