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Scale 1 : 72
Publisher/Brand A Model
Format approx W 15.5 x L 11.6 x H 4.7 cm
Category Scale Modelling Kits
Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits
Availability only 2 remaining
This product was added to our database on Thursday 24 September 2015.
Your reliable Aircraft Modelling Source since 1989
Yak-18 'Maestro' This kit represents a Yak-18P trainer converted to look like a Soviet WW2 fighter for the multi-award-winning film "Only old men are going to battle", set in World War II. Maestro is "Maestro" Titarenko, the leader of the squadron, played in the film by Leonid Bykov. Titarenko not only led the squadron into battle, but also led his pilots on tours of other bases as a musical group