Hawker Sea Fury - History, Camouflage and Markings (LIMITED REPRINT)  9789490092122

Hawker Sea Fury - History, Camouflage and Markings (LIMITED REPRINT)

Product code 9789490092122


€ 16.47

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Series Dutch Profile 3

Publisher/Brand Dutch Decal

Author Geldhof N. / Boerman L

Format a4

No. Pages 36

Version Soft cover

Language Dutch/English

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Military Aviation » Netherlands

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Product description

On popular demand Dutch Profile has reprinted a small amount (100) of the ever popular Sea Fury profile. If you still want one for your collection or just have an interest in Dutch Sea Furies see that you don't miss this one!

The third part in the Dutch profile series handles about the Seafury in service with the RNethNavy. 40 pages with a colour cover, many unique pictures, never published before and colour profiles of the Seafury. Text bilingual in Dutch and English. History by Nico Geldhof, edited and produced by Luuk Boerman.

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