Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1981-1992, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1981-1992 - Part 5  9788076481091
Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1981-1992, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1981-1992 - Part 5  9788076481091Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1981-1992, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1981-1992 - Part 5  9788076481091Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1981-1992, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1981-1992 - Part 5  9788076481091Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1981-1992, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1981-1992 - Part 5  9788076481091Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1981-1992, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1981-1992 - Part 5  9788076481091

Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1981-1992, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1981-1992 - Part 5

Product code 9788076481091

€ 10.05


Series Aero 117

Publisher/Brand Jiri Jakab

Author Miroslav Irfra

Format a4

No. Pages 52

Version Soft cover

Language Czech

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Military Aviation » Rest of Europe

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Product description

The EightiesThis volume concludes the rich history of the 1st Fighter Aviation Regiment. The author describes, for example, the last participation in the Warsaw Pact exercises or the practice of striking against the SR-71 by MiG-23 aircraft, live fire and the mission of the regiment's pilots in Libya. In the period 1989-1992, after the Velvet Revolution, new contacts and relations with the former adversary came, but at the same time, a gradual reduction of the armed forces of both sides began on both sides, which ended with the abolition of the 1st Fighter Aviation Regiment  on 31.12.1994   

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