The Weathering  Aircraft: Night Colors  8432074052142
The Weathering  Aircraft: Night Colors  8432074052142The Weathering  Aircraft: Night Colors  8432074052142The Weathering  Aircraft: Night Colors  8432074052142The Weathering  Aircraft: Night Colors  8432074052142The Weathering  Aircraft: Night Colors  8432074052142

The Weathering Aircraft: Night Colors

Product code 8432074052142

€ 9.13

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Series The Weathering Aircraft 14

Publisher/Brand AMMO-MIG

No. Pages 76

Version Soft cover

Language English

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Aviationbooks » Modelling

Availability only 3 remaining

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Product description

The Weathering Aircraft, your favorite publication focused on the techniques of painting and aging aircraft is proud to follow our fourteent issue by exploring the always popular subject of aircraft in night schemes.
Our contributors will teach you how to handle a wide range of products to get the most realistic and eye-catching finishes with ease. We will focus especially on night camouflage patterns applied in a haphazard and temporary fashion. On board this issue you will find airplanes and helicopters used from WWII to the present day, each featuring strikingly attractive Night schemes.

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