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Publisher/Brand Peewit
No. Pages 4
Language Czech
Category Scale Modelling Kits
Subcategory Model accessories » Detailsets
Availability only 1 remaining
This product was added to our database on Tuesday 3 January 2023.
Your reliable Aircraft Modelling Source since 1989
Mind: this product is an accessory to an existing or to a yet to be assembled scalemodel. The scalemodel is not included and needs to be ordered separately.
Paint chips of the V.B.S Kunkadlo and the comparison with modelling paints.
How to choose the right shade? A classic question for modellers. Some do not solve it, some follow the instructions, some try to make the model as close as possible to the real original. The new range of color swatches by Peewit offers color swatches and an explanation of why this shade...
Instructions has some pictures. Unfortunately the text is in Czech...