HTK-BS02 includes standard camouflage colours of Luftwaffe planes from 1937 till 1941. The set contains the following acrylic paints, optimised for use with brush:
- HTK-B015 - Black-Green (RLM70) - Used for upper surfaces in "two-green" (70+71/65) splinter scheme. Also a standard colour of propeller blades
- HTK-B017 - Dark Green (RLM71) - Used for upper surfaces in "two-green" splinter scheme and on day fighters during the Battle of Britain
- HTK-B023 - Grey (RLM02) - Used for upper surfaces of day fighters during the Battle of Britain, also for mottling / spray over camouflage
- HTK-B029 ? Light Blue (RLM65) - Standard colour of lower surfaces in early WW2 period. From late 1939 raised to fuselage sides of day fighters