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Publisher/Brand Hataka Hobby
Version 17ml bottles acrylic
Category Scale Modelling Kits
Subcategory Paint & fluids » Hataka
Availability only 1 remaining
This product was added to our database on Tuesday 7 March 2017.
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Restriction: this product is a paint or lacquer. As a result of international security and safety measures these products are prohibited for transportation by air. The delivery of these products will be restricted to countries in Europe that are being served by road transport from the Netherlands. Any overseas orders containing these products will be adapted. The products will be removed from the order.
For over 40 years (from 1972 till 2003) the French Mirage III and then Mirage 2000 were the most powerful fighter-interceptors of the Brazilian Air Force. During that period all aircraft were stationed in Anápolis Air Base, Goiás. From 1972 up to 1979 with the 1st ALADA (Ala de Defesa Aérea), converted in 1979 to 1st GDA "Jaguar" (Grupo de Defesa Aérea). Mirage IIIs were painted overall aluminum till 1979, when they were repainted into a locally developed two-tone grey camouflage. Mirage 2000s throughout their service in the Brazilian AF (from 2006 till 2013) featured a standard French camouflage scheme.
HTK-AS78 includes standard colours of Brazilian Mirage fleet from 1972 till 2013.
The set contains:
HTK-A139 – Semi-matt Aluminium – "Alumilac", standard colour of Mirage IIIEBR/DBR of Brazilian AF (locally designated F-103E/D) from 1972 till 1979
HTK-A031 - Gunship Grey – FS36118, used for upper surfaces of Brazilian AF Mirage IIIEBR/DBR (locally designated F-103E/D) from 1979 till 2005
HTK-A231 – Fog Grey - FS36293, used for lower surfaces of Brazilian AF Mirage III EBR/DBR (locally designated F-103E/D) from 1979 till 2005
HTK-A027 – Intermediate Blue – FS35164, the best match for French Gris-Bleu Fonce (Celomer 1620) used on Brazilian AF Mirage 2000B/C (F-2000B/C)
HTK-A037 – Light Ghost Grey – FS36375, the best match for French Gris-Bleu Clair (Celomer 1625) used on Brazilian AF Mirage 2000B/C (F-2000B/C)
HTK-A035 – Dark Ghost Grey – FS36320, the best match for original colour of radome of Mirage 2000B/C (F-2000B/C) during service in Brazilian AF