Ultimate USAF F15 Eagle Paint set (6 colours)  HTK-CS43
Ultimate USAF F15 Eagle Paint set (6 colours)  HTK-CS43

Ultimate USAF F15 Eagle Paint set (6 colours)

Product code HTK-CS43

€ 14.83

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Series Orange range Laquer Based

Publisher/Brand Hataka Hobby

Version 17ml bottles paint

Category Scale Modelling Kits

Subcategory Paint & fluids » Hataka

Availability only 1 remaining

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This product was added to our database on Friday 26 july 2024.

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Restriction: this product is a paint or lacquer. As a result of international security and safety measures these products are prohibited for transportation by air. The delivery of these products will be restricted to countries in Europe that are being served by road transport from the Netherlands. Any overseas orders containing these products will be adapted. The products will be removed from the order.

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Product description

Standard camouflage colours of F-15 fleet in USAF service

The F-15 Eagle, designed in late-1960s as next generation all-weather air superiority fighter, with years evolved into a multi-role fighter (F-15C/D) and lethal ground-attack plane (F-15E Strike Eagle, in service since 1989).

First F-15A/B airframes delivered in mid-1970s wore unusual Air Superiority Blue overall coat, which criticized for small effectiveness was quickly replaced by two-grey Compass Ghost scheme. Nowadays all USAF F-15C/Ds wear so-called Mod-Eagle pattern (also two-grey, but darker), while F-15E fleet is painted in overall Gunship Grey.

The range of specially formulated lacquer based paints optimised for airbrushing. The product was developed to satisfy needs of all modellers – it is perfect for professional use (application of many semi-transparent layers, gradual building of colours / colour shading, application of very fine lines, etc.), but also very forgiving to beginners.

It has significantly limited odour compared to other similar products, hence is more suitable for home use.

All colours are highly pigmented and permanent.

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