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F4 Phantom stick Incl 32TFS badge  Phantom-stick
F4 Phantom stick Incl 32TFS badge  Phantom-stickF4 Phantom stick Incl 32TFS badge  Phantom-stickF4 Phantom stick Incl 32TFS badge  Phantom-stick

F4 Phantom stick Incl 32TFS badge

Product code Phantom-stick

€ 82.60


Scale 1 : 1

Publisher/Brand Eagle Aviation

Version Resin

Language English - Greek

Category Various Aviation items

Subcategory Replica » Replica Control Stick & Throttle

Availability Temporarily Out of Stock.

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This product was added to our database on Wednesday 28 August 2024.

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Product description

A superbly detailed highly accurate replica of the jet's control stick.

We started this project in 2020 but due to Covid Epidemy everything came to a standstill.  Only recenty we could restart and the first 5 sticks were delivered to us today!

As a special gesture for our customers we had the squadron emblem of the 32TFS incorporated in the base of the stick - See picture 




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