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Series Aero Special 16
Publisher/Brand Jiri Jakab
Author Miroslav Irra
No. Pages 52
Version Soft cover
Language Czech
Category Aviationbooks
Subcategory Military Aviation » Middle East
Availability only 1 remaining
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The first military and aviation activities of the Czechoslovak Republic (hereafter Czechoslovakia) in relation to the South-Eastern Mediterranean area are known as early as 1948, but then only in the commercial area, without the direct participation of Czechoslovak personnel. air force in the area. They related to Czechoslovak aid to the newly established state of Israel, a significant item of which was the training of Israeli aviation personnel here and the supply of aviation material and equipment. However, at the beginning of the 1950s, Israel was inclined to cooperate with the USA. However, a new customer soon appeared in the area. It was Násiruv Egypt Negotiations on military aid were conducted by Egypt with the USSR and Czechoslovakia from April 1955. The relevant contract was concluded on September 12, 1955 for a total volume of deliveries of 921 million CZK, of which Czechoslovak the share represented 398 million, of which 184,262,400 CZK in currencies, the rest in goods. 523 million CZK was to be delivered to the USSR in goods. As far as material performance is concerned, by October 20, 1955, Czechoslovakia was to deliver 20 MiG-15bis aircraft (then Czech designation S-103), two UTI MiG-15 or CS-102, the USSR was to deliver 15 Il bombers by the same date -28 and two training UIl-28. The deliveries were also supposed to include 25 follow-on Yak-11 training aircraft, but it is not clearly confirmed here whether they were Soviet-made machines or our C-11 from Kunovice. The publication describes the development of cooperation with Egypt and later with Syria. Dedicated to MS. training air missions in both countries until 1973