Operace Kavkaz- Tajná sovetská raketová válka nad Suezským pruplavem/ Operation Caucasus, Secret Soviet missile war over the Suez Canal  9788076480667
Operace Kavkaz- Tajná sovetská raketová válka nad Suezským pruplavem/ Operation Caucasus, Secret Soviet missile war over the Suez Canal  9788076480667Operace Kavkaz- Tajná sovetská raketová válka nad Suezským pruplavem/ Operation Caucasus, Secret Soviet missile war over the Suez Canal  9788076480667Operace Kavkaz- Tajná sovetská raketová válka nad Suezským pruplavem/ Operation Caucasus, Secret Soviet missile war over the Suez Canal  9788076480667Operace Kavkaz- Tajná sovetská raketová válka nad Suezským pruplavem/ Operation Caucasus, Secret Soviet missile war over the Suez Canal  9788076480667Operace Kavkaz- Tajná sovetská raketová válka nad Suezským pruplavem/ Operation Caucasus, Secret Soviet missile war over the Suez Canal  9788076480667

Operace Kavkaz- Tajná sovetská raketová válka nad Suezským pruplavem/ Operation Caucasus, Secret Soviet missile war over the Suez Canal

Product code 9788076480667

€ 10.05

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Series Aero Special 14

Publisher/Brand Jiri Jakab

Author M. Smíšek

No. Pages 52

Version Soft cover

Language Czech

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Military Aviation » Middle East

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Product description

When Egyptian President Gamal Nasser declared a war of attrition against Israel in March 1969, he had no idea that the event would soon turn into a gala show for the Israeli Air Force. Egypt's air defenses on the Suez Canal were soon in ruins, and Nasser was forced to seek assistance from Moscow. The Soviet Union responded to Egypt's request for help by sending its weapons and soldiers, who were to have a decisive influence on the further course of the fightinThe publication has 52 pages, format 297 x 230mm

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