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Publisher/Brand Dangerpig Productions
Author Daniel M. McClinton
Format 28 x 22 cm
No. Pages 226
Version Soft cover
Language English
Category Aviationbooks
Subcategory US » US Units Modern
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Your reliable Aviation Book Source since 1989
US Army Attack and Air Cavalry Patches: An Imperfect Album of US Army Attack and Air Cavalry Unit Insignia (2001-2024), this book presents a collection of Attack and Air Cavalry unit insignia and patches. Combining the images from previous books in this series it also includes hundreds of new patches that have been discovered since the first printing. Collectors and historians alike will find this colorful collection which covers all attack and air cavalry units that were active in the United States Army from September 11, 2001 until today both interesting and informative. The patches and insignia are presented in full color and represent 20 years of collecting and over 6 years of research which are presented on 226 pages.
Abouit the author:
A 24-year veteran, Master Army Aviator, AH-64 Pilot in Command, and Air Mission Commander, Dan retired from the US Army in 2011 having deployed 3 times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom for 37 months in combat. He is a recipient of multiple awards and decorations including the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, and Air Medal. His aviation-themed photography has been featured in numerous, books, publications, and on Department of Defense websites. He is the Producer of the documentary The Longest Month and author of the book Crazyhorse which covers the events surrounding the deployment of 1-227 AVN, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division in 2006-07. He currently lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area.