US Jet Aircraft

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256 products found
product Publisher/Brand Series Price €
Modellers Reference Guide 3. Vought F-8 Crusader Modellers Reference Guide 3. Vought F-8 CrusaderExpectedAirmark MediaModellers Reference Guide 3€ 20.14
Colors and Markings F-106 Delta Dart CM-8Colors and Markings F-106 Delta DartDetail and ScaleColors & Markings Vol.08€ 30.23
Grumman A-6 Intruder & EA-6B Prowler WS-146Grumman A-6 Intruder & EA-6B ProwlerHall ParkWarpaint Series No 146€ 21.06
F4E Phantom II AUP - The Ultimate Reference Guide (Expected end of April1 2025) f4F4E Phantom II AUP - The Ultimate Reference Guide (Expected end of April1 2025)ExpectedEagle AviationAviation Guide 3€ 26.56
Northrop/McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet JAK-A118Northrop/McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F/A-18 Hornet and Super HornetExpectedJiri JakabAero 118€ 10.05
Aircraft Photobook 4: Grumman EA6B Prowler ma-KSE50Aircraft Photobook 4: Grumman EA6B ProwlerModel Art (Japan)Aircraft Photobook 4€ 30.23
Ode to the Falcon, 50 Years of the Fighting Falcon US Edition (Some stock located) DH-HC002-USOde to the Falcon, 50 Years of the Fighting Falcon US Edition (Some stock located)Expected - pre-order nowHMH Publications€ 59.59
A-7E Corsair II - The Ultimate Reference Guide A7A-7E Corsair II - The Ultimate Reference GuideEagle AviationAviation Guide 2€ 26.56
North American F107A NFAF203North American F107AGinterAir Force Legend Nr 203€ 22.89
The Vought A7 Corsair, US  and International versions The Vought A7 Corsair, US and International versionsPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 9€ 30.23
Half Century, Baby! Fifty years of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat Half Century, Baby! Fifty years of the Grumman F-14 TomcatTempest Books€ 12.80
F-22 Raptor Lockheed Martin Stealth Fighter F-22 Raptor Lockheed Martin Stealth FighterSchifferLegends of Warfare€ 27.48
Modellers Reference Guide 2. Northrop F-5 Tiger Modellers Reference Guide 2. Northrop F-5 TigerAirmark MediaModellers Reference Guide 2€ 20.14
U.S. ANG Phantoms: The F-4D/E in Service with the New Jersey Air National Guard  1980 - 1991 FTC006U.S. ANG Phantoms: The F-4D/E in Service with the New Jersey Air National Guard 1980 - 1991AirDocThe Modellers' Guide to Aircraft Finish & Markings 006€ 32.06
The Boeing  Super Hornet, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EF-18G Growler The Boeing Super Hornet, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EF-18G GrowlerPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Blue Series 5€ 21.97
Modellers Manual 14. Lockheed F-104 Starfighter MANUAL 14Modellers Manual 14. Lockheed F-104 StarfighterAirmark MediaModellers Manual 14€ 14.63
The McDonnel Douglas F/A18 Hornet, F/A18A/B/C /D/ATARS  and International versions The McDonnel Douglas F/A18 Hornet, F/A18A/B/C /D/ATARS and International versionsPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 8€ 30.23
Profile and Scale Series 1. Fairchild A-10 Warthog AIRGUIDE 19Profile and Scale Series 1. Fairchild A-10 WarthogAirmark MediaProfile and Scale Series 1€ 20.14
Modellers Airguide 20.Douglas F4D Skyray AIRGUIDE 20Modellers Airguide 20.Douglas F4D SkyrayAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 20€ 12.80
Vought F7U-3 Cutlass Vought F7U-3 CutlassCrecy BooksFamous American Aircraft€ 45.83
The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in photos (BBMF) The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in photos (BBMF)Tempest Books€ 48.58
Snooperbase Waddington Snooperbase WaddingtonTempest Books€ 36.65
F-16 Fighting Falcon: American all-purpose combat machine F-16 Fighting Falcon: American all-purpose combat machineTempest Books€ 25.64
Ode to the Falcon, 50 Years of the Fighting Falcon DH-HC002Ode to the Falcon, 50 Years of the Fighting FalconHMH Publications€ 59.59
Panavia Tornado IDS, ECR and ADV  versions Panavia Tornado IDS, ECR and ADV versionsPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 7€ 30.23
F-80 Shooting Star DS-16F-80 Shooting StarDetail and ScaleDetail & Scale Vol.20€ 25.64
McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F-15 Eagle JAK-A112McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F-15 EagleJiri JakabAero 112€ 9.13
Modellers Airguide 18. Grumman A-6 Intruder AIRGUIDE 18Modellers Airguide 18. Grumman A-6 IntruderAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 17€ 12.80
The McDonnel Douglas F15 Eagle, USAF and International versions The McDonnel Douglas F15 Eagle, USAF and International versionsPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 6€ 30.23
Modellers Airguide 17 Grumman EA-6B Prowler AIRGUIDE 17Modellers Airguide 17 Grumman EA-6B ProwlerAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 17€ 12.80
Modellers Airguide 16 Rockwell B-1 Lancer AIRGUIDE 16Modellers Airguide 16 Rockwell B-1 LancerAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 16€ 12.80
U-2 Dragon Lady Units 1955-90 U-2 Dragon Lady Units 1955-90OspreyCombat Aircraft 152€ 19.22
50 years Hellenic Phantoms - The Epitome.  Limited publication 50 years F450 years Hellenic Phantoms - The Epitome. Limited publicationEagle Aviation€ 45.83
The Lockheed U2 Dragonlady The Lockheed U2 DragonladyPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 5€ 27.48
Modellers Manual 8. General Dynamics F-16 Viper MANUAL 8Modellers Manual 8. General Dynamics F-16 ViperAirmark MediaModellers Manual 8€ 14.63
Modellers Airguide 14. F2H Banshee Airmark F2HModellers Airguide 14. F2H BansheeAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 14€ 12.80
Super Snoopers: The Evolution and Service Career of the Specialist Boeing C135 series with the 55th wing and associated units Super Snoopers: The Evolution and Service Career of the Specialist Boeing C135 series with the 55th wing and associated unitsFonthill Media€ 44.91
Airmark Modellers Airguide 5:  North American A5/RA5 Vigilante (REPRINT) Airmark  VigilanteAirmark Modellers Airguide 5: North American A5/RA5 Vigilante (REPRINT)Airmark MediaIn Profile & In Scale€ 11.88
The Republic F105 Thunderchief The Republic F105 ThunderchiefPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 4€ 31.15
Lockheed Martin F35 Lightning II 33006Lockheed Martin F35 Lightning IIKageroPhotographer in action 6€ 7.29
Lockheed Martin F22 Raptor 33005Lockheed Martin F22 RaptorKageroPhotographer in action 5€ 7.29
Half Century, Baby!  Volume 2: Tales from the F-14 Tomcat Maintainers' Toolbox (expected June 2025) Half Century, Baby! Volume 2: Tales from the F-14 Tomcat Maintainers' Toolbox (expected June 2025)Expected - pre-order nowTempest Books€ 45.83
Modellers Manual 7. Douglas A-4 Skyhawk MANUAL 7Modellers Manual 7. Douglas A-4 SkyhawkAirmark MediaModellers Manual 7€ 14.63
Modellers Airguide 13 F-101 Voodoo Airmark F101Modellers Airguide 13 F-101 VoodooAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 13€ 12.80
BAe Hawk, Flying Training and Combat missions around the World 033BAe Hawk, Flying Training and Combat missions around the WorldHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 033€ 25.64
General Dynamic F-16 33001General Dynamic F-16KageroPhotographer in action 1€ 8.21
A-10 Thunderbolt II 33002A-10 Thunderbolt IIKageroPhotographer in action 2€ 7.29
F-4C / RF-4C Phantom II in Spanish service 1971-2002 F-4C / RF-4C Phantom II in Spanish service 1971-2002KageroMonografie 92€ 18.30
Modellers Manual 6 F-4 Phantom MANUAL 6Modellers Manual 6 F-4 PhantomAirmark MediaModellers Manual 6€ 14.63
Modellers Airguide 12 F-106 Delta Dart Airmark F106Modellers Airguide 12 F-106 Delta DartAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 12€ 12.80
McDonnell Douglas F4A/B/N/J/S & RF4B Phantom US Navy and Marine Corps versions (REPRINT) 9781739772567McDonnell Douglas F4A/B/N/J/S & RF4B Phantom US Navy and Marine Corps versions (REPRINT)Phoenix Scale PublicationsReal to replica White 1€ 18.30
LTV A7 Corsair II Flying with Air Forces around the World 032LTV A7 Corsair II Flying with Air Forces around the WorldHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 032€ 25.64
Modellers Airguide 11. Convair F-102 Delta Dagger Airmark F102Modellers Airguide 11. Convair F-102 Delta DaggerAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 11€ 12.80
Colors and Markings of the A6 Intruder in U. S. Marine Corps Service and Navy Test and Evaluations Squadrons CM-07Colors and Markings of the A6 Intruder in U. S. Marine Corps Service and Navy Test and Evaluations SquadronsDetail and ScaleColours & Markings 7€ 32.06
SR-71 Blackbird Lockheed's Ultimate Spy Plane SR-71 Blackbird Lockheed's Ultimate Spy PlaneSchifferLegends of Warfare€ 27.48
The F100 Units of USAFE and also including the Danish and French Huns (BACK IN STOCK) The F100 Units of USAFE and also including the Danish and French Huns (BACK IN STOCK)Fonthill Media€ 39.40
Lockheed Blackbird. Beyond the Secret Missions, the missing Chapters Lockheed Blackbird. Beyond the Secret Missions, the missing ChaptersOsprey€ 68.76
Pacific Tomcat: A Pictorial History of the F-14 in the Pacific Fleet Pacific Tomcat: A Pictorial History of the F-14 in the Pacific FleetScramble4 produtions€ 41.24
Atlantic Tomcat: A Pictorial History of the F-14 in the Atlantic Fleet Atlantic Tomcat: A Pictorial History of the F-14 in the Atlantic FleetScramble4 produtions€ 45.83
McDonnell Douglas F4C/E/F/RF4C/RF4E  Phantom European Operators white-3McDonnell Douglas F4C/E/F/RF4C/RF4E Phantom European OperatorsPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to replica White 3€ 18.30
Airmark Modelling Modellers Manual 4. F-15 Eagle MANUAL 4Airmark Modelling Modellers Manual 4. F-15 EagleAirmark MediaModellers Manual 4€ 14.63
Airmark Modellers Airguide 10; Grumman F9 Panther and Cougar Airmarkf9fAirmark Modellers Airguide 10; Grumman F9 Panther and CougarAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 10€ 12.80
F-4B/N Phantom II F-4B/N Phantom IIClassic Warships PublishingAircraft Pictorial 6€ 21.97
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II (Revised and Updated) The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II (Revised and Updated)Phoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Blue Series 4€ 21.97
Airmark Modelling Modellers Manual 3. Vought A-7 Corsair MANUAL 3Airmark Modelling Modellers Manual 3. Vought A-7 CorsairAirmark MediaModellers Manual 3€ 13.72
Half Century, Baby! Fifty years of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat Half Century, Baby! Fifty years of the Grumman F-14 TomcatTempest Books€ 45.83
Spanish Phantoms: The F-4C and RF-4C in Service of the Ejército del Aire Español 1971 – 2002 FTC005Spanish Phantoms: The F-4C and RF-4C in Service of the Ejército del Aire Español 1971 – 2002AirDocThe Modellers' Guide to Aircraft Finish & Markings 005€ 30.23
F-16 Fighting Falcon In Action squ-10269F-16 Fighting Falcon In ActionSquadronIn Action 10269€ 21.97
USMC Harriers: The AV-8A/C, AV-8S and TAV-A/S in World Wide Service 1971 - 2006 (USMC, Armada Española and Royal Thai Navy) FTC003USMC Harriers: The AV-8A/C, AV-8S and TAV-A/S in World Wide Service 1971 - 2006 (USMC, Armada Española and Royal Thai Navy)AirDocThe Modellers' Guide to Aircraft Finish & Markings 003€ 25.64
Airmark Modelling Modellers Manual 2 Super Hornet F/A-18E/F/G MANUAL 2Airmark Modelling Modellers Manual 2 Super Hornet F/A-18E/F/GAirmark MediaModellers Manual 2€ 14.63
F-104 Starfighter Lockheed's Sleek Cold War Interceptor F-104 Starfighter Lockheed's Sleek Cold War InterceptorSchifferLegends of Warfare€ 27.48
Fairchild A10A/C Flying with the United States Air Force 030Fairchild A10A/C Flying with the United States Air ForceHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 030€ 25.64
Airmark Modellers Airguide 6:  Douglas Skywarrior Airmark  SkywarriorAirmark Modellers Airguide 6: Douglas SkywarriorAirmark MediaIn Profile & In Scale€ 13.72
Eagles Rock, 48e Fighter Wing - Where Combat Air Power Lives EAGLES ROCKEagles Rock, 48e Fighter Wing - Where Combat Air Power LivesHMH Publications€ 39.40
Lockheed F117 Nighthawk ws-138Lockheed F117 NighthawkHall ParkWarpaint Series No 138€ 20.14
SAAB JAS39 Gripen JAK-A100SAAB JAS39 GripenJiri JakabAero 100€ 10.05
Republic XF84H Thunderscreech  (LAST STOCKS - NOW OUT OF PRINT) NFAF219Republic XF84H Thunderscreech (LAST STOCKS - NOW OUT OF PRINT)GinterAir Force Legend Nr 219€ 12.80
C-17 Globemaster C-17 GlobemasterMotorbuch€ 30.23
Northrop F-5E/F/N & A/BM Flying in Air Forces around the world 028Northrop F-5E/F/N & A/BM Flying in Air Forces around the worldHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 028€ 24.72
McDonnell Douglas F4C/D/E/G/RF4C Phantom USAF version (LAST STOCKS) white-2McDonnell Douglas F4C/D/E/G/RF4C Phantom USAF version (LAST STOCKS)Phoenix Scale PublicationsReal to replica White 2€ 18.30
F-4 Phantom II Wild Weasel Units in Combat F-4 Phantom II Wild Weasel Units in CombatOspreyCombat Aircraft 147€ 19.22
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II JAK-A96Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning IIJiri JakabAero 96€ 9.13
North American YF-93A Penetration Fighter NFAF227North American YF-93A Penetration FighterGinterAir Force Legend Nr 227€ 18.30
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter. An Illustrated Development History DS-13F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter. An Illustrated Development HistoryDetail and Scale€ 27.48
Boeing B1B Lancer  in Service with the US Air Force 027Boeing B1B Lancer in Service with the US Air ForceHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 027€ 28.39
F/A18 Hornet and Super Hornet in Action squ-10266F/A18 Hornet and Super Hornet in ActionSquadronIn Action 10266€ 21.06
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom McDonnell Douglas F-4 PhantomAir WorldFlight Craft 28€ 21.06
Boeing F15E/K/SH Strike Eagle DH026Boeing F15E/K/SH Strike EagleHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 026€ 30.23
Colors and Markings of the A-6 Intruder in US Navy Attack Squadron Service CM-6Colors and Markings of the A-6 Intruder in US Navy Attack Squadron ServiceDetail and ScaleColors & Markings Vol.06€ 30.23
McDonnell FH1 Phantom NF115McDonnell FH1 PhantomGinterNaval Fighters Number 115€ 22.89
American Interceptor: US Navy Convoy Fighter Projects American Interceptor: US Navy Convoy Fighter ProjectsTempest Books€ 41.24
F-14 Tomcat In Action squ-10267F-14 Tomcat In ActionSquadronIn Action 10267€ 21.97
AV-8B Harrier II The US Marine Corps' VSTOL Jet Aircraft AV-8B Harrier II The US Marine Corps' VSTOL Jet AircraftSchifferLegends of Warfare€ 21.06
Shady Lady: 1,500 Hours Flying The U-2 Spy Plane Shady Lady: 1,500 Hours Flying The U-2 Spy PlaneCrecy Books€ 14.63
F-111 Aardvark In Action squ-10268F-111 Aardvark In ActionSquadronIn Action 10268€ 21.97
F104 Starfighter  Flying with Air Forces around the World 025F104 Starfighter Flying with Air Forces around the WorldHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 025€ 27.48
Martin XB48 NFAF226Martin XB48GinterAir Force Legend Nr 226€ 18.30
Dragon Lady today, The continuing story of the U2 Spyplane Dragon Lady today, The continuing story of the U2 SpyplaneIndividual€ 27.48
F2H Banshee Units F2H Banshee UnitsOspreyCombat Aircraft 141€ 19.22
F86A Sabre, Korea 1950-1951 F86A Sabre, Korea 1950-1951OspreyCombat 4€ 15.55

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