Civil Aviation

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149 products found
product Publisher/Brand Series Price €
Britannia Airways : The World's Largest Holiday Airline Britannia Airways : The World's Largest Holiday AirlineAir World€ 36.65
Comets and Concordes, The pilot who flew the first and fastest of all jet airliners Comets and Concordes, The pilot who flew the first and fastest of all jet airlinersBurnt Ash Publishing€ 30.23
It's pull to go up, From Lancasters to VC10s A pilot's tale It's pull to go up, From Lancasters to VC10s A pilot's taleBurnt Ash Publishing€ 27.48
BOAC and the Golden Age of Flying, Britain's iconic global airline BOAC and the Golden Age of Flying, Britain's iconic global airlineBurnt Ash Publishing€ 30.23
Dragon Rapide; De Havilland's Successful Short-haul Commercial Passenger Aircraft (expected December 2023) Dragon Rapide; De Havilland's Successful Short-haul Commercial Passenger Aircraft (expected December 2023)ExpectedAir World€ 29.31
Britain's Airline Entrepreneurs, From Laker to Branson Britain's Airline Entrepreneurs, From Laker to BransonBurnt Ash Publishing€ 30.23
Royal Vikings, the Saga of Scandinavian Airlines and its predecessors Royal Vikings, the Saga of Scandinavian Airlines and its predecessorsEuropean Airlines€ 33.90
Bristol Britannia, Canadair CP-107 Argus & CC-106 Yukon ws-125Bristol Britannia, Canadair CP-107 Argus & CC-106 YukonHall ParkWarpaint Series No 125€ 18.30
Het DC8 tijdperk van de KLM, een Beeldverhaal in Vintage anzichten Het DC8 tijdperk van de KLM, een Beeldverhaal in Vintage anzichtenTom van den Broeke€ 18.30
Panorama terras Pier B, orginele ansichten en oude foto's Panorama terras Pier B, orginele ansichten en oude foto'sTom van den Broeke€ 10.05
Boeing 737-200 Series SA-13Boeing 737-200 SeriesPadinSerie Aerolineas 13€ 22.89
Caribbean Props & Jets Caribbean Props & JetsNara€ 22.89
KLM - vliegtuigen in den vreemde 1919-2019, 100 jaar KLM in oude  Anzichten KLM - vliegtuigen in den vreemde 1919-2019, 100 jaar KLM in oude AnzichtenTom van den Broeke€ 18.30
Olympic Airways: A History Olympic Airways: A HistoryAir World€ 36.65
The British Overseas Airways Corporation The British Overseas Airways CorporationAir World€ 36.65
De Havilland Comet: The World's First Commercial Jetliner De Havilland Comet: The World's First Commercial JetlinerAir World€ 20.14
The Vickers Viscount: The World's First Turboprop Airliner The Vickers Viscount: The World's First Turboprop AirlinerAir World€ 21.06
De Havilland DH106 Comet SA-12De Havilland DH106 CometPadinSerie Aerolineas 12€ 22.89
Dornier DoX, de grootste Vliegboot ter wereld in 1929, een geschiedenis van dag tot dag DoXDornier DoX, de grootste Vliegboot ter wereld in 1929, een geschiedenis van dag tot dagGeromy€ 27.48
Colours in the Sky; The History of Autair and Court Line Aviation Colours in the Sky; The History of Autair and Court Line AviationPen & Sword€ 36.65
Jetliners of the Red Star Jetliners of the Red StarAstral Horizon€ 31.15
Boeing 707 Series SA-11Boeing 707 SeriesPadinSerie Aerolineas 11€ 24.72
Fokker F-28 Fellowship SA-10Fokker F-28 FellowshipPadinSerie Aerolineas 10€ 22.89
Boeing 737: The World's Jetliner Boeing 737: The World's JetlinerSchiffer€ 55.00
Commercial Aviation in Britain in the 1970s Commercial Aviation in Britain in the 1970sAmberley€ 17.39
Lisunov Li2 Aerohistoria 1Lisunov Li2Hungarian Aviation Historical Society Aero Historia 1€ 18.30
Ilyushin IL18 (BACK IN STOCK) Aerohistoria 3Ilyushin IL18 (BACK IN STOCK)Hungarian Aviation Historical Society Aero Historia 3€ 18.30
Tupoljev Tu154 Aerohistoria 4Tupoljev Tu154Hungarian Aviation Historical Society Aero Historia 4€ 18.30
The de Havilland DH.60 Moth The de Havilland DH.60 MothAmberley€ 15.55
Boeing 757 and 767 en Argentina y Uruguay SA-08Boeing 757 and 767 en Argentina y UruguayPadinSerie Aerolineas 8€ 22.89
BAe HS-748 en Sud America SA-09BAe HS-748 en Sud AmericaPadinSerie Aerolineas 9€ 22.89
Po stopách ceskoslovenských krídel. Naše první rychlostní závody./ In the footsteps of Czechoslovak wings. Our first speed races. JAK-A025Po stopách ceskoslovenských krídel. Naše první rychlostní závody./ In the footsteps of Czechoslovak wings. Our first speed races.Jiri JakabAero 25€ 6.38
Nederlandse Luchtvaartmaatschappijen: deel 2: Transavia Nederlandse Luchtvaartmaatschappijen: deel 2: TransaviaDe Alk€ 26.56
Safair 50 Years - the success story of a South African aviation company. Safair 50 Years - the success story of a South African aviation company.Individual SA€ 36.65
Embraer 190/195 Regional Jet en Sud America SA-07Embraer 190/195 Regional Jet en Sud AmericaPadinSerie Aerolineas 7€ 20.14
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner The Boeing 787 DreamlinerSchiffer€ 34.82
BAC1-11 Series en Sud America SA-06BAC1-11 Series en Sud AmericaPadinSerie Aerolineas 6€ 22.89
Boeing 727 en Argentina SA-05Boeing 727 en ArgentinaPadinSerie Aerolineas 5€ 21.97
Douglas DC9-30/40/50 en Argentina SA-04Douglas DC9-30/40/50 en ArgentinaPadinSerie Aerolineas 4€ 17.39
De tog flyget till medeltiden. Svenskarna i Jemen De tog flyget till medeltiden. Svenskarna i JemenEuropean Airlines€ 32.06
Kunst und Werbung an Verkehrsflugzeugen Kunst und Werbung an VerkehrsflugzeugenNara€ 25.64
Boeing 737-500/-700 en Argentina SA-02Boeing 737-500/-700 en ArgentinaPadinSerie Aerolineas 2€ 16.47
MD-80 Series SA-01MD-80 SeriesPadinSerie Aerolineas 1€ 21.97
Les Rois du Ciel, Les DC1 a DC7 Les Rois du Ciel, Les DC1 a DC7LELA PresseHistoire de l'Aviation 27€ 57.75
Nederlandse Luchtvaartmaatschappijen: deel 1: gedurfd ondernemerschap Nederlandse Luchtvaartmaatschappijen: deel 1: gedurfd ondernemerschapDe Alk€ 22.89
Caravan: Cessna's Swiss Army Knife with Wings ASA-CARAVANCaravan: Cessna's Swiss Army Knife with WingsASA€ 22.89
Douglas DC2 4+018Douglas DC24+ Publication€ 45.83
De Mauritius Route: KLM Constellations in het kielzog van Abel Tasman De Mauritius Route: KLM Constellations in het kielzog van Abel TasmanAll Media Production€ 16.47
Convair, T29, R4Y/C131, CC109 NF14Convair, T29, R4Y/C131, CC109GinterNaval Fighters Number 14€ 15.55

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