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Potez 63 Family (REISSUE) MMP8109Potez 63 Family (REISSUE)Mushroom Model PublicationsMushroom Mag. Spec. 8109€ 20.14
Black Cross / Red star _Air war over the Eastern Front:  Volume. 2: : Two turning points : December 1941 – May 1942 (UPDATED) Black Cross / Red star _Air war over the Eastern Front: Volume. 2: : Two turning points : December 1941 – May 1942 (UPDATED)Vaktel FörlagBlack Cross Red Star Vol 2€ 64.17
SAAB J21 / J21R (REISSUE) MMP6127SAAB J21 / J21R (REISSUE)Mushroom Model PublicationsMushroom Mag. Spec. 6127€ 18.30
Crazy Horse: the tragedy of B-17G SH 42-30280 Crazy Horse: the tragedy of B-17G SH 42-30280SteijgerWorld War 2 Series€ 41.24
Boje na finském nebi- Sovetsko-finská válka 1939-1940 Dodávky stíhacek pro finské letectvo Gloster Gladiator Mk.II – Gloster J 8A (Gladiator) – Bristol J 7 (Bulldog II, IIA) – Svenska J 6 a J 6A, ASJA J 6B – Morane-Saulnier MS.406 C1 / Fighting in Finnish JAK-048Boje na finském nebi- Sovetsko-finská válka 1939-1940 Dodávky stíhacek pro finské letectvo Gloster Gladiator Mk.II – Gloster J 8A (Gladiator) – Bristol J 7 (Bulldog II, IIA) – Svenska J 6 a J 6A, ASJA J 6B – Morane-Saulnier MS.406 C1 / Fighting in FinnishJiri JakabJakab 46€ 36.65
Lenny - A Debden Eagle. True story of 1st Lt. Leonard Werner of 4th Fighter Group Lenny - A Debden Eagle. True story of 1st Lt. Leonard Werner of 4th Fighter GroupSteijgerWorld War 2 Series€ 41.24
Air Campaign 44. Hamburg 1940-45, The Long War against Germany'sGreat  port city Air Campaign 44. Hamburg 1940-45, The Long War against Germany'sGreat port cityExpectedOspreyAir Campaign 44€ 17.39
The Blue Squadrons: The Spanish in the Luftwaffe, 1941-1944 The Blue Squadrons: The Spanish in the Luftwaffe, 1941-1944Helion & Company€ 36.65
Japan's Indian Ocean Raid 1942, The Allies' Lowest Ebb Japan's Indian Ocean Raid 1942, The Allies' Lowest EbbOspreyCampaign 396€ 20.14
The Eyes of Malta: The Crucial Role of Aerial Reconnaissance and ULTRA Intelligence, 1940-1943 The Eyes of Malta: The Crucial Role of Aerial Reconnaissance and ULTRA Intelligence, 1940-1943Helion & Company€ 41.24
Operation Pedestal 1942, The Battle for Malta's Lifeline Operation Pedestal 1942, The Battle for Malta's LifelineOspreyCampaign 394€ 19.22
BBMF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in profile BBMF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in profileTempest BooksIn Profile 3€ 45.83
Chasing the soft underbelly: Turkey and the Second World War Chasing the soft underbelly: Turkey and the Second World WarHelion & CompanyEurope @ War 29€ 24.72
War Prizes: Captured German, Italian and Japanese aircraft of WW2 War Prizes: Captured German, Italian and Japanese aircraft of WW2Crecy Books€ 32.06
Lublin R-XIII. Samolot towarzysz?cy AM89Lublin R-XIII. Samolot towarzysz?cyKageroMonografie 89€ 16.47
Wings of the Weird & Wonderful Wings of the Weird & WonderfulHikoki€ 41.24
Arawasi Eagle eye Series, No. 3 Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally" & Fiat BR.20 "Cicogna" in hinomaru ARAWASI EAGLE EYEArawasi Eagle eye Series, No. 3 Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally" & Fiat BR.20 "Cicogna" in hinomaruArawasi internationalEagle eye Series 3€ 55.00
Flying Pantechnicons: the Story of the Assault Glider Trust Flying Pantechnicons: the Story of the Assault Glider TrustHelion & Company€ 36.65
Medals of Honour Volume 4: Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 2 Medals of Honour Volume 4: Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 2Aeronaut BooksMedals of Honour€ 33.90
Medals of Honour Volume 3:  Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 1 Medals of Honour Volume 3: Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 1Aeronaut BooksMedals of Honour€ 36.65
Barbarossa Campaign in 1941 Hungarian perspective 0016KKBarbarossa Campaign in 1941 Hungarian perspectiveKageroMonograph Special€ 24.72
PZL P.11c 5014PZL P.11cExpectedKageroFamous Planes No 14€ 36.65
Dornier The Yugoslav Saga 1926-2007 96014Dornier The Yugoslav Saga 1926-2007KageroMonograph Special€ 24.72
Junkers Ju 188/388 7119Junkers Ju 188/388KageroTopdrawings 119€ 15.55
Nakajima B6N Tenzan 7118Nakajima B6N TenzanKageroTopdrawings 118€ 15.55
Allied Aircraft of D-Day Allied Aircraft of D-DayKey Publishing€ 21.97
Ploesti 1943, the great raid on Hitler's Romanian Oil refineries Ploesti 1943, the great raid on Hitler's Romanian Oil refineriesOspreyAir Campaign 12€ 17.39
Lublin R-XIII. Army cooperation plane AM71Lublin R-XIII. Army cooperation planeKageroMonografie 71€ 15.55
The Last Blitz: Operation Steinbock The Last Blitz: Operation SteinbockRed Kite€ 33.90
Hønningstad C5 Polar PROFILE IN NORWHønningstad C5 PolarArild KjaeraasProfiles in Norway nr 4€ 10.05
Fall of Iron, Light and Medium bomber aircraft of World War 2 Fall of Iron, Light and Medium bomber aircraft of World War 2Guideline Publications€ 21.06
Ikarus IK-2 96013Ikarus IK-2KageroMonograph special edition 13€ 24.72
We Landed by Moonlight, the Secret RAF Landings in France 1940-1944 New Edition We Landed by Moonlight, the Secret RAF Landings in France 1940-1944 New EditionCrecy Books€ 13.72
The Berlin Airlift: The World's Largest Ever Air Supply Operation The Berlin Airlift: The World's Largest Ever Air Supply OperationPen & Sword€ 21.06
The First Helicopter Boys: The Early Days of Helicopter Operations - The Malayan Emergency, 1947–1960 The First Helicopter Boys: The Early Days of Helicopter Operations - The Malayan Emergency, 1947–1960Air World€ 30.23
Spanish Air Force During World War II, Germany's hidden ally? 91006Spanish Air Force During World War II, Germany's hidden ally?KageroLibrary of Armed Conflicts 06€ 16.47
Storm of Eagles, the greatest Aviation Photographs of World  war II Storm of Eagles, the greatest Aviation Photographs of World war IIOsprey€ 34.82
Axis Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 8 Axis Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 8Centura PublishingProfile Book No 8€ 45.83
Rogozarski IK3 96010Rogozarski IK3KageroMonograph special edition 11€ 25.64
Airlines at War: British Civil Aviation 1939 - 1944 Airlines at War: British Civil Aviation 1939 - 1944Air World€ 22.89
Hawker Hurricane v SSSR/ Aero A-29 a Letov S-328v - Letadla pro Kumbor JAK-A037Hawker Hurricane v SSSR/ Aero A-29 a Letov S-328v - Letadla pro KumborJiri JakabAero 37€ 5.46
Combat Over the Mediterranean: The RAF In Action Against the Germans and Italians Combat Over the Mediterranean: The RAF In Action Against the Germans and ItaliansFrontline BooksAir War Archive€ 19.22
The Bulgarian Air Force in World War II. Germany's Forgotten Ally 91002The Bulgarian Air Force in World War II. Germany's Forgotten AllyKageroLibrary of Armed Conflicts 02€ 15.55
Naval Aviation in the Second World War: rare photographs from wartime archives Naval Aviation in the Second World War: rare photographs from wartime archivesPen & SwordImages of War€ 21.97
The Experimental Units of Hitler's Condor Legion: German Aircraft In Action During the Spanish Civil War The Experimental Units of Hitler's Condor Legion: German Aircraft In Action During the Spanish Civil WarFrontline BooksAir War Archive€ 18.30
Repülotér az Alpokalján - A szombathelyi katonai repülotér története (Airport in the Alps - History of the Military Airport in Szombathely) 9789630675949Repülotér az Alpokalján - A szombathelyi katonai repülotér története (Airport in the Alps - History of the Military Airport in Szombathely)Zrinyi Kiado€ 20.14
The Second World War Guide to Aircraft Identification The Second World War Guide to Aircraft IdentificationAmberley€ 15.55
Alliierte Jagdflugzeuge - 1939-1945 Alliierte Jagdflugzeuge - 1939-1945MotorbuchTypenkompass€ 10.96
Wings of Angels: A Tribute to the Art of World War II Pinup & Aviation Vol.2 Wings of Angels: A Tribute to the Art of World War II Pinup & Aviation Vol.2Schiffer€ 36.65
Path of Duty, The Story of 16 Squadron SAAF from South West Africa to Cyrenaica 1939-1943 Path of Duty, The Story of 16 Squadron SAAF from South West Africa to Cyrenaica 1939-1943Graeme Gibson€ 82.52
Czechoslovak Prototypes 1938 Vol.2 JAK009Czechoslovak Prototypes 1938 Vol.2Jiri JakabJakab 9€ 20.14
Destroyers, I distruttori nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale DestroyersDestroyers, I distruttori nella Seconda Guerra MondialeIBN Inst. Bibl. Nap.€ 20.14
Avia BH33 fighter in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain, Japan and China) JAK003Avia BH33 fighter in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain, Japan and China)Jiri JakabJakab 3€ 18.30
Warriors of the Sky, Springbok Air Heroes in Combat Warriors of the Sky, Springbok Air Heroes in CombatPen & Sword€ 32.06
Spitfires, Thunderbolts & Warm Beer Spitfires, Thunderbolts & Warm BeerBrassey`s€ 21.06
Air Force Colors Vol III SQ6152Air Force Colors Vol IIISquadronSpecial 6152€ 17.39

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