WW2 Germany

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347 products found
product Publisher/Brand Series Price €
Barbarossa Victims Vol. 1 MMP-CO34Barbarossa Victims Vol. 1ExpectedMushroom Model PublicationsCamera on 34€ 18.30
Me262 Units in Combat Me262 Units in CombatOspreyCombat Aircraft 155€ 20.14
Hitler's Miracle Weapons Volume 1: Secret Nuclear Weapons of the Third Reich and their Carrier Systems The Luftwaffe & Kriegsmarine Hitler's Miracle Weapons Volume 1: Secret Nuclear Weapons of the Third Reich and their Carrier Systems The Luftwaffe & KriegsmarineHelion & Company€ 32.06
Hitler's Miracle Weapons Volume 2:  The Secret History of the Rockets and Flying Craft of the Third Reich From the V-1 to the A-9 Unconventional short- and medium-ranged Weapons Hitler's Miracle Weapons Volume 2: The Secret History of the Rockets and Flying Craft of the Third Reich From the V-1 to the A-9 Unconventional short- and medium-ranged WeaponsExpectedHelion & Company€ 32.06
Luftwaffe Search Lights and Range Finding Equipment Part 2 MMP-CO31Luftwaffe Search Lights and Range Finding Equipment Part 2Mushroom Model PublicationsCamera on 33€ 18.30
Black Cross Red Star  Air War over the Eastern Front vol 3, Everything for Stalingrad Black Cross Red Star Air War over the Eastern Front vol 3, Everything for StalingradVaktel FörlagBlack Cross Red Star Vol 3€ 55.00
Vergeltungswaffen The Third Reich Missiles Then and Now Vergeltungswaffen The Third Reich Missiles Then and NowAfter the Battle€ 33.90
Wilde Sau Nightfighters Wilde Sau NightfightersOspreyCombat Aircraft 154€ 20.14
Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 6 Part 6 JAK-A114Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 6 Part 6Jiri JakabAero 114€ 10.05
Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1962-1970, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1962-1970 - Part 3 JAK-A113Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1962-1970, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1962-1970 - Part 3Jiri JakabAero 113€ 10.05
Luftwaffe Search Lights and Range Finding Equipment MMP-CO31Luftwaffe Search Lights and Range Finding EquipmentMushroom Model PublicationsCamera on 31€ 18.30
First Manned Rocket Launch, Natter, the Luftwaffe''s vertical take off Interceptor First Manned Rocket Launch, Natter, the Luftwaffe''s vertical take off InterceptorPen & Sword€ 21.97
Modellers Manual 13. Focke Wulf Fw190 MANUAL 13Modellers Manual 13. Focke Wulf Fw190Airmark MediaModellers Manual 12€ 14.63
Axis Wings: The Luftwaffe and co-belligerent air forces' compendium Axis Wings: The Luftwaffe and co-belligerent air forces' compendiumChandos PublicationsAxis Wings vol 2€ 45.83
Eismeerjager, zur geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 5 band 1 : Zerstörerstaffel und JaboStaffel Eismeerjager, zur geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 5 band 1 : Zerstörerstaffel und JaboStaffelEric Mombeeck€ 57.75
Am Himmel Frankreichs – Die Geschichte des JG 2 "Richthofen"  Band 7:1945 Am Himmel Frankreichs – Die Geschichte des JG 2 "Richthofen" Band 7:1945Eric Mombeeck€ 57.75
The Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-G: BMW-engined series The Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-G: BMW-engined seriesAir WorldFlight Craft Special 2€ 21.06
Shaping the Vulcan (May 2025) Shaping the Vulcan (May 2025)ExpectedTempest Books€ 43.07
La Kampfgeschwader 54. L'escadre à la tête de mort - Tome 1 (Expected November 2024) La Kampfgeschwader 54. L'escadre à la tête de mort - Tome 1 (Expected November 2024)ExpectedLELA PresseCollection Histoire des Unités n°15€ 55.00
Modellers Manual 12. Messerschmitt Bf 109 MANUAL 12Modellers Manual 12. Messerschmitt Bf 109Airmark MediaModellers Manual 12€ 14.63
FW-190 in foreign service. Captured Butcherbirds Vol.2  (FINAL SHIPMENT!) FW-190 in foreign service. Captured Butcherbirds Vol.2 (FINAL SHIPMENT!)Atelier Kecay€ 18.30
Faszination Bücker Aircraft - Fascination Bucker Aircraft (BACK IN STOCK) Faszination Bücker Aircraft - Fascination Bucker Aircraft (BACK IN STOCK)Fascination Bücker€ 64.17
The Junkers Ju 88 Part 2- Ju 88C to the T-series – A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe's Legendary Twin 9781912932312The Junkers Ju 88 Part 2- Ju 88C to the T-series – A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe's Legendary TwinValiant Wings PublicationAirframe & Miniature 24€ 33.90
Eagles of the Luftwaffe 3: DFS 230 Combat Glider (expected February 2025) Eagles of the Luftwaffe 3: DFS 230 Combat Glider (expected February 2025)ExpectedTempest BooksEagles of the Luftwaffe 3€ 20.14
Focke Wulf FW190s of Jagdgeschwader 6 Final Operations (BACK IN STOCK) japo-22Focke Wulf FW190s of Jagdgeschwader 6 Final Operations (BACK IN STOCK)Janda & PorubaLuftwaffe over Czech Territory VII€ 61.42
Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1951-1961, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovan Air Regiment 1951-1961 part 2 JAK-A111Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1951-1961, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovan Air Regiment 1951-1961 part 2Jiri JakabAero 111€ 10.05
Angriffsziel Peenemunde, Die Alliierten Bombenangriffe auf Peenemunde 1943-1944 9783000319402Angriffsziel Peenemunde, Die Alliierten Bombenangriffe auf Peenemunde 1943-1944Mediascript€ 23.81
Dogfight 12;  BF109E Battle of Britain Dogfight 12; BF109E Battle of BritainOspreyDogfight 12€ 18.30
The Messerschmitt Bf 110 Story The Messerschmitt Bf 110 StoryFonthill Media€ 33.90
References for modellers 6: Junkers Ju87D Including Decals 25006References for modellers 6: Junkers Ju87D Including DecalsKageroReferences for Modellers 6€ 10.05
References for modellers 4: Messerschmitt BF110C Including Decals 25004References for modellers 4: Messerschmitt BF110C Including DecalsKageroReferences for Modellers 4€ 10.05
References for modellers 3: Messerschmitt BF109D-1 Including Decals 25003References for modellers 3: Messerschmitt BF109D-1 Including DecalsKageroReferences for Modellers 3€ 10.05
References for modellers 2: Messerschmitt BF109F-2 Including Decals 25002References for modellers 2: Messerschmitt BF109F-2 Including DecalsKageroReferences for Modellers 2€ 10.05
References for modellers 1: Messerschmitt BF109E-1/E-3 Including Decals 25001References for modellers 1: Messerschmitt BF109E-1/E-3 Including DecalsKageroReferences for Modellers 1€ 10.05
Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 14 Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 14Centura PublishingProfile Book No 14€ 45.83
German Wings in Italian Skies: Imperial, Inter-War and Luftwaffe military aircraft in Italy 1911-1945 German Wings in Italian Skies: Imperial, Inter-War and Luftwaffe military aircraft in Italy 1911-1945Chandos Publications€ 59.59
Avia S/CS92 Me 262 v Ceskoslovenském letectvu / Avia S/CS92 Me262 in Czechoslovak Service JAK-A2/110Avia S/CS92 Me 262 v Ceskoslovenském letectvu / Avia S/CS92 Me262 in Czechoslovak ServiceJiri JakabAero 2/110€ 8.21
German Fighters in the West from Poland to the Defence of the Reich (BACK IN STOCK) japo-21German Fighters in the West from Poland to the Defence of the Reich (BACK IN STOCK)Janda & Poruba€ 73.35
Dogfight 11;  Fw190 Sturmjager Defence of the Reich 1943-45 Dogfight 11; Fw190 Sturmjager Defence of the Reich 1943-45OspreyDogfight 11€ 19.22
Messerschmitt Me309: Development & Politics Messerschmitt Me309: Development & PoliticsTempest Books€ 45.83
Messerschmitt Me328: Development & Politics Messerschmitt Me328: Development & PoliticsTempest Books€ 45.83
Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story (Volume I) (Back in Stock) bf109Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story (Volume I) (Back in Stock)Jeroplan Books€ 36.65
Messerschmitt Bf 110C Part 1 15022Messerschmitt Bf 110C Part 1Kageromini topcolours 44€ 21.06
Nachtjagd Combat Archive Biographies Nachtjagd Combat Archive BiographiesRed Kite€ 27.48
Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1944-1950, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1945-1950 Part 1 JAK-A107Prvni, Stihaci, Zvolensky 1944-1950, the first, the pursuit and the voter, History of the first Czechoslovakian Air Regiment 1945-1950 Part 1Jiri JakabAero 108€ 10.05
The Heinkel He 177 Greif – A Detailed Guide To The Luftwaffe's Troubled Strategic Bomber The Heinkel He 177 Greif – A Detailed Guide To The Luftwaffe's Troubled Strategic BomberValiant Wings PublicationAirframe Album 20€ 30.23
Axis Wings: the Luftwaffe and Co-belligerent Air Forces Compendium Axis Wings: the Luftwaffe and Co-belligerent Air Forces CompendiumChandos PublicationsAxis Wings vol 1€ 45.83
Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 5 / Part 5 JAK-A107Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 5 / Part 5Jiri JakabAero 107€ 10.05
Messerschmitt Bf109: Origins and Evolution (expected April 2025) Messerschmitt Bf109: Origins and Evolution (expected April 2025)ExpectedTempest Books€ 45.83
Messerschmitt Me 262: Development & Politics (REISSUE) Messerschmitt Me 262: Development & Politics (REISSUE)Tempest Books€ 41.24
Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe Secret Projects of the LuftwaffeTempest Books€ 15.55
The Junkers Ju88 Part One: V1 to A-17 plus B-series. A complete guide to the Luftwaffe's  legendary  twin (BACK IN STOCK) 9781912932306The Junkers Ju88 Part One: V1 to A-17 plus B-series. A complete guide to the Luftwaffe's legendary twin (BACK IN STOCK)Valiant Wings PublicationAirframe & Miniature 23€ 32.06
Heinkel He 115 Developmental & Operational History 1937-1952 Heinkel He 115 Developmental & Operational History 1937-1952Chandos Publications€ 77.94
Eagles of the Luftwaffe 2: Focke-Wulf FW200 Condor Eagles of the Luftwaffe 2: Focke-Wulf FW200 CondorTempest BooksEagles of the Luftwaffe 2€ 18.30
Dans le Ciel de France, Histoire de la JG2 'Richthofen" Volume 6 ; 1945 Dans le Ciel de France, Histoire de la JG2 'Richthofen" Volume 6 ; 1945Eric Mombeeck€ 55.00
Heinkel  He162 Volksjager: From Drawing Board to Destruction Heinkel He162 Volksjager: From Drawing Board to DestructionClassic Publications€ 48.58
Messerschmitt Me 210 Das Rüstungsfiasko eines Kampfflugzeuges im Zweiten Weltkrieg Messerschmitt Me 210 Das Rüstungsfiasko eines Kampfflugzeuges im Zweiten WeltkriegMZ VERLAG€ 45.83
Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 4 JAK-A103Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 4Jiri JakabAero 103€ 10.05
Messerschmitt Bf 108, Von der Taifun zur Pingouin und Noralpha - Eine technologische und chronologische Entwicklungsgeschichte Messerschmitt Bf 108, Von der Taifun zur Pingouin und Noralpha - Eine technologische und chronologische EntwicklungsgeschichteHelios Verlag€ 81.61
Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 3 JAK-A098Messerschmitt BF109E Dil 3Jiri JakabAero 98€ 10.05
Messerschmitt-Giganten und der Fliegerhorst Regensburg - Obertraubling 1936 - 1945 Messerschmitt-Giganten und der Fliegerhorst Regensburg - Obertraubling 1936 - 1945MZ VERLAG€ 36.65
Regensburg – Die Katastrophe vom 17. August 1943 Regensburg – Die Katastrophe vom 17. August 1943MZ VERLAG€ 18.30
Sperrfeuer: Die Regensburger Flakhelfer Sperrfeuer: Die Regensburger FlakhelferMZ VERLAG€ 18.30
Me109 Produktion und Einsatz Me109 Produktion und EinsatzMZ VERLAG€ 27.48
Wir flogen gen Westen 2. Teil der Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 6 der deutschen Luftwaffe 1941-1945 Wir flogen gen Westen 2. Teil der Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 6 der deutschen Luftwaffe 1941-1945Jan Horn€ 50.41
Das Flurschadengeschwader Die Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 51 "Edelweiß" zwischen dem 1. Januar 1944 bis Kriegsende Das Flurschadengeschwader Die Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 51 "Edelweiß" zwischen dem 1. Januar 1944 bis KriegsendeJan Horn€ 82.52
Über allen Fronten, Die Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 6 Über allen Fronten, Die Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 6Jan Horn€ 82.52
Die Augen des OKW, Teil 1: Fernaufklärer Die Augen des OKW, Teil 1: FernaufklärerJan Horn€ 82.52
KG 76 Die Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 76 im Zeitraum 01.01.1944 bis 08.05.1945 KG 76 Die Chronik des Kampfgeschwaders 76 im Zeitraum 01.01.1944 bis 08.05.1945Jan Horn€ 82.52
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG17 7136Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG17KageroTopdrawings 136€ 15.55
Messerschmitt Bf109E/1-E/3-E/4-E/7 Models 7134Messerschmitt Bf109E/1-E/3-E/4-E/7 ModelsKageroTopdrawings 134€ 15.55
Heinkel He111 Vol II 7059Heinkel He111 Vol IIKageroTopdrawings 59€ 15.55
Luftwaffe im Focus Special  No 4, Kanal 1940-1941 Luftwaffe im Focus Special No 4, Kanal 1940-1941Luftfahrtverl. StartLuftwaffe im focus Special 4€ 29.31
Fieseler Fi156 Storch Truppen Erzatsteilliste 1938 Reprint fi156Fieseler Fi156 Storch Truppen Erzatsteilliste 1938 ReprintAeropoxy€ 27.48
Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story (Volume 2)  (BACK IN STOCK) bf109 dl2Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story (Volume 2) (BACK IN STOCK)Jeroplan Books€ 36.65
Luftwaffe  Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 13 Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 13Centura PublishingProfile Book No 13€ 45.83
Macchi C.200 Saetta (REISSUE) MMP8181Macchi C.200 Saetta (REISSUE)Mushroom Model PublicationsMushroom Mag. Spec. 8113€ 15.55
Messerschmitt BF109F (REISSUE) MMP6133Messerschmitt BF109F (REISSUE)Mushroom Model PublicationsMushroom Mag. Spec. 6133€ 18.30
 Luftwaffe im Focus No 32, unpublished photo`sExpectedLuftfahrtverl. StartLuftwaffe im focus32€ 25.64
Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 3.Cást JAK-A95Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 3.CástJiri JakabAero 95€ 9.13
Nachtjagd Combat Archive Eastern Front and Mediterranean Nachtjagd Combat Archive Eastern Front and MediterraneanRed Kite€ 27.48
Secret Projects Of The Luftwaffe In Profile Secret Projects Of The Luftwaffe In ProfileTempest Books€ 41.24
Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 1.cást JAK-A92Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 1.cástJiri JakabAero 92€ 9.13
Heinkel He 111: Luftwaffe Medium Bomber in World War II Heinkel He 111: Luftwaffe Medium Bomber in World War IISchifferLegends of Warfare€ 21.06
Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 2.Cást JAK-A93Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 2.CástJiri JakabAero 93€ 9.13
Arctic Convoys 1942, The Luftwaffe cuts Russia's lifeline Arctic Convoys 1942, The Luftwaffe cuts Russia's lifelineOspreyAir Campaign 32€ 18.30
Arado Ar234 in Norway PROFILE IN NORWArado Ar234 in NorwayArild KjaeraasProfiles in Norway nr 5€ 10.05
Junkers Ju 88 Junkers Ju 88Key PublishingHistoric Military Aircraft 15€ 21.06
Dornier Do335 Pfeil A 7124Dornier Do335 Pfeil AKageroTopdrawings 124€ 15.55
Dornier Do217: A combat and photographic record in Luftwaffe Service 1941-1945 Dornier Do217: A combat and photographic record in Luftwaffe Service 1941-1945Crecy Books€ 42.16
Henschel Hs 129 Panzerjäger Henschel Hs 129 PanzerjägerChandos Publications€ 64.17
German and Italian Aircraft Carriers of world War II German and Italian Aircraft Carriers of world War IIOsprey€ 13.72
Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1945 Part 5:  1 january - 3 may 1945 Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1945 Part 5: 1 january - 3 may 1945Red Kite€ 30.23
Luftwaffe  Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 12 Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft Profile Book number 12Centura PublishingProfile Book No 12€ 45.83
The Messerschmitt Bf109 Late Series (F-K including the Z Series) - A Complete Guide To the Luftwaffe's Famous Fighter 2nd edition 9781912932269The Messerschmitt Bf109 Late Series (F-K including the Z Series) - A Complete Guide To the Luftwaffe's Famous Fighter 2nd editionValiant Wings PublicationAirframe & Miniature 11€ 32.06
The Messerschmitt Bf109 Early Versions (V1 to E-9 including T-series - A Complete Guide To the Luftwaffe's Famous Fighter  2nd edition 9781912932252The Messerschmitt Bf109 Early Versions (V1 to E-9 including T-series - A Complete Guide To the Luftwaffe's Famous Fighter 2nd editionValiant Wings PublicationAirframe & Miniature 5€ 32.06
Arado AR196 (REPRINT) MO45Arado AR196 (REPRINT)KageroMonografie 45€ 18.30
German Aircraft Instrument Panels German Aircraft Instrument PanelsMushroom Model PublicationsIn Sight 04€ 18.30
Henschel Hs 126 MMP-CO30Henschel Hs 126Mushroom Model PublicationsCamera on 30€ 18.30
Heinkel HeIII Units in the Battle of Britain and Blitz Heinkel HeIII Units in the Battle of Britain and BlitzWingleaderPhoto Archive 13€ 21.97

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