Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 3.Cást  9788076480711

Siebel Si-204/Aero C-3 3.Cást

Product code 9788076480711

€ 9.13

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Series Aero 95

Publisher/Brand Jiri Jakab

Author Miroslav Irra

No. Pages 52

Version Soft cover

Language Czech

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory WW2 » WW2 German Aircraft

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Product description

Last part of this 2nd edition of a long-sold out and very successful publication, this time in the Aero edition. The publication has been published in a total of three issues of Aero, numbers 92, 93 and 95.

"Síbl", or trophy aircraft of German origin Siebel Si 204 and its Czechoslovak the unlicensed copy of the Aero C-3 undoubtedly belongs to the legendary aircraft of the post-war era of the Czech Republic. air force. In terms of numbers, it was among the few most numerous and most widespread types, and thus its role was no less significant compared to the other originally German types, "mules", "arads" and "bikras". In addition, its use included a relatively wide range of different tasks both in air transport and in training, aerial photography and photogrammetry, and finally, from the end of 1951, in the process of building the entire bomber division. In this case, his role was rather symbolic in terms of combat value, but even so, thanks to him, the division's personnel could be prepared enough within a few years to be able to start the transition to the Ilyushin Il-28 jet bombers in 1955.


"Síbl", or trophy aircraft of German origin Siebel Si 204 and its Czechoslovak the unlicensed copy of the Aero C-3 undoubtedly belongs to the legendary aircraft of the post-war era of the Czech Republic. air force. In terms of numbers, it was among the few most numerous and most widespread types, and thus its role was no less significant compared to the other originally German types, "mules", "arads" and "bikras". In addition, its use included a relatively wide range of different tasks both in air transport and in training, aerial photography and photogrammetry, and finally, from the end of 1951, in the process of building the entire bomber division. In this case, his role was rather symbolic in terms of combat value, but even so, thanks to him, the division's personnel could be prepared enough within a few years to be able to start the transition to the Ilyushin Il-28 jet bombers in 1955.

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