Salmson 2A2 V Ceskoslovensku / Salmson 2A2 in Czechoslovakia

Product code 9788087350744

Series Aero 46

Publisher/Brand Jiri Jakab

Author Petr Lukes, jan kase

Format a4

No. Pages 36

Version Soft cover

Language Czech

Category Books on aviation

Subcategory WW2 » WW2 German Aircraft

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Product description

"The Salmson was a damn good plane. The engine sounded like a bunch of cans, tied to the wire, but you could shoot any holes in it, run like that ... It was easy to handle. Just a well-made plane, very reliable ... "

(Brig-Gen Claude E. Duncan USAF, former member of the 12th Aero Squadron USAC)

Salmson 2A2 is one of the most frequently represented French aircraft (after the Spad S.VII), operated at the beginnings of the Czechoslovak Air Force, yet the fate of domestic aviation literature is somewhat limited. It is mostly limited to the statement that Czechoslovakia has received 50 of the airplanes, which the French government has been relieved of as obsolete and worn out. We believe that this often cited claim deserves to be repaired.

The publication is A4, full colour on high quality glossy paper, V2 binding, 36 pages, color photo and detail, and historical black and white photo, color profiles.
 BTW there are a lot of crash photo's... of such a  good plane :-)



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