Military Aviation

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1475 products found
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Lockheed-Martin F16-ADF: I Viper dell'aeronautica Militare  e il peace Caesar program Lockheed-Martin F16-ADF: I Viper dell'aeronautica Militare e il peace Caesar programEfestos€ 27.48
F-16 Fighting Falcon: American all-purpose combat machine F-16 Fighting Falcon: American all-purpose combat machineTempest Books€ 25.64
Israeli Vipers  F-16A/B Netz IAF2Israeli Vipers F-16A/B NetzRN PublishingIAF Aircraft Series 02€ 49.50
Ode to the Falcon, 50 Years of the Fighting Falcon DH-HC002Ode to the Falcon, 50 Years of the Fighting FalconHMH Publications€ 59.59
60 Years Patrouille Suisse 60 Years Patrouille SuisseTeammedia€ 55.00
Serie Aeronaval de la Armada Española No.19: hidrocanoas Macchi M.18 y M.24 (1921-1938) Serie Aeronaval de la Armada Española No.19: hidrocanoas Macchi M.18 y M.24 (1921-1938)Ikonos PressSerie Aeronaval Armada Española No.19€ 10.05
Alas sobre Espana No.41: Heinkel He-59. Los "Zapatones" en guerra. Alas sobre Espana No.41: Heinkel He-59. Los "Zapatones" en guerra.Ikonos PressAlas sobre Espana No.41€ 10.05
Alas sobre Espana No.42: North Amedrican F-86F Sabre 1955-1973 Alas sobre Espana No.42: North Amedrican F-86F Sabre 1955-1973Ikonos PressAlas sobre Espana No.42€ 10.05
Alas sobre Espana No.40: De Havilland DH.89 "Dragón Rapide" : un britanico en ambos bandos Alas sobre Espana No.40: De Havilland DH.89 "Dragón Rapide" : un britanico en ambos bandosIkonos PressAlas sobre Espana No.40€ 10.05
Alas sobre Espana No.43: Breguet XIV. Biplano de ataque para Marruecos Alas sobre Espana No.43: Breguet XIV. Biplano de ataque para MarruecosIkonos PressAlas sobre Espana No.43€ 10.05
Panavia Tornado IDS, ECR and ADV  versions Panavia Tornado IDS, ECR and ADV versionsPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 7€ 30.23
Gloster Meteor T7 in Koninklijke Luchtmacht en  Marine Luchtvaartdienst Service,  History, camouflage and markings (HERDRUK) DF-29Gloster Meteor T7 in Koninklijke Luchtmacht en Marine Luchtvaartdienst Service, History, camouflage and markings (HERDRUK)Dutch DecalDutch Profile 31€ 16.47
Operation Deep Freeze II, Gooney Birds and the first South Pole Landing, a pictorial Review of R4D-5L/-6L Antarctic operations 1956-1962 (BACK IN STOCK) Operation Deep Freeze II, Gooney Birds and the first South Pole Landing, a pictorial Review of R4D-5L/-6L Antarctic operations 1956-1962 (BACK IN STOCK)Ronald Stephano€ 91.70
F-80 Shooting Star DS-16F-80 Shooting StarDetail and ScaleDetail & Scale Vol.20€ 25.64
Air Craft History Volume 5. The Gloster Javelin 1951 to 1975 Air Craft History Volume 5. The Gloster Javelin 1951 to 1975Coastal CraftAircraft History Volume 5€ 21.97
Chrome Dome 1960-68, the B52's High-stakes Cold War Nuclear Operation Chrome Dome 1960-68, the B52's High-stakes Cold War Nuclear OperationOspreyAir Campaign 46€ 18.30
Yom Kippur War 1973, Airpower in Israels's hardest fought war Yom Kippur War 1973, Airpower in Israels's hardest fought warOspreyAir Campaign 43€ 18.30
Operation Barbarossa 1941, the Luftwaffen opens the Eastern front Campaign Operation Barbarossa 1941, the Luftwaffen opens the Eastern front CampaignOspreyAir Campaign 47€ 18.30
Cyclone Warriors The Australian Defence Force and Cyclone Tracy December 1974 – June 1975 Cyclone Warriors The Australian Defence Force and Cyclone Tracy December 1974 – June 1975Avonmore books€ 32.06
The CAC Boomerang – Australia's own WWII Fighter The CAC Boomerang – Australia's own WWII FighterAvonmore books€ 30.23
Modellers Airguide 19. Grumman E-2 Hawkeye AIRGUIDE 19Modellers Airguide 19. Grumman E-2 HawkeyeAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 19€ 12.80
Cold War Berlin: An Island City Volume 4: US Forces in Berlin - Preparing for War, 1945-1994 Cold War Berlin: An Island City Volume 4: US Forces in Berlin - Preparing for War, 1945-1994Helion & CompanyEurope @ War 41€ 24.72
Verdwaald achter het IJzeren Gordijn:  De Koude Oorlog  in het luchtruim  van  Oost-Europa Verdwaald achter het IJzeren Gordijn: De Koude Oorlog in het luchtruim van Oost-EuropaBrave New Books€ 24.72
Canadair CF-104/F-104G Roll Call - A Photographic Record of Canadair Starfighters Canadair CF-104/F-104G Roll Call - A Photographic Record of Canadair StarfightersRobert McIntyre€ 82.52
McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F-15 Eagle JAK-A112McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F-15 EagleJiri JakabAero 112€ 9.13
TOPGUN in Detail, On board Naval Air Station Fallon WWB32TOPGUN in Detail, On board Naval Air Station FallonWings & WheelsPresent Aircraft Line No32€ 31.15
JBG-37, Chronik eines Jagdbombergeschwaders 1971-1990 (BACK IN STOCK) JBG-37, Chronik eines Jagdbombergeschwaders 1971-1990 (BACK IN STOCK)Verlag Reinhard Semmler GmbH€ 45.83
Landgestützte Raketensysteme der NVA, Die fLA Raketensysteme der Luftverteidigung und der Truppenluftabwehr Landgestützte Raketensysteme der NVA, Die fLA Raketensysteme der Luftverteidigung und der TruppenluftabwehrMediascriptLandgestützte Raketensysteme der NVA Band 1€ 35.73
Landgestützte Raketensysteme der NVA, Die Raketensysteme Boden-Boden der Landstreitkräfte und der Volksarmee Landgestützte Raketensysteme der NVA, Die Raketensysteme Boden-Boden der Landstreitkräfte und der VolksarmeeMediascriptLandgestützte Raketensysteme der NVA Band 2€ 33.90
MiGs uber Peenemunde; Die Geschichte der NVA-Fliegertruppenteile auf Usedom 9783981482218MiGs uber Peenemunde; Die Geschichte der NVA-Fliegertruppenteile auf UsedomMediascript€ 30.23
Lockheed F104G Starfighter in Koninklijke Luchtmacht Service,  History, camouflage and markings (REPRINT) DF-30Lockheed F104G Starfighter in Koninklijke Luchtmacht Service, History, camouflage and markings (REPRINT)Dutch DecalDutch Profile 37€ 16.47
Samolot po Polsku 06: Lublin R-XIII wersje morskie SAM-06Samolot po Polsku 06: Lublin R-XIII wersje morskieStratusSamolot po Polsku 06€ 16.47
Samolot po Polsku 09: PZL.19 Samolot po Polsku 09: PZL.19ExpectedStratusSamolot po Polsku 09€ 9.13
Ukrainian and Baltic wings 1918-2022 mps214Ukrainian and Baltic wings 1918-2022ExpectedMagnet Press€ 27.48
Action "L" - Czechoslovak air participation in Libya 1978-1990 mps214Action "L" - Czechoslovak air participation in Libya 1978-1990ExpectedMagnet Press€ 21.06
Fokker G1 Jachtkruiser deel 1: Ontwikkeling (HERUITGAVE) Fokker G1 Jachtkruiser deel 1: Ontwikkeling (HERUITGAVE)Lanasta€ 36.65
Fokker G1 Jachtkruiser deel 2: Operationele Historie (HERZIENE HERUITGAVE) Fokker G1 Jachtkruiser deel 2: Operationele Historie (HERZIENE HERUITGAVE)Lanasta€ 36.65
Fokker D21, Fokkers laatste eenmotorige jager  (HERUITGAVE) Fokker D21, Fokkers laatste eenmotorige jager (HERUITGAVE)Lanasta€ 36.65
Fokker G1 Jachtkruiser deel 3: Techniek van Kop tot Staart Fokker G1 Jachtkruiser deel 3: Techniek van Kop tot StaartLanasta€ 36.65
Tygri a Hroši v Perov / Tigers and Hippos in Prerov mps214Tygri a Hroši v Perov / Tigers and Hippos in PrerovExpectedMagnet Press€ 25.64
Curtiss XF15C-1 "Stingaree" NF119Curtiss XF15C-1 "Stingaree"GinterNaval Fighters Number 119€ 15.55
Fighter Aircraft Boeing P26 Peashooter (BACK IN STOCK) Fighter Aircraft Boeing P26 Peashooter (BACK IN STOCK)Answer kits€ 36.65
Multipurpose Utility Helicopter PZL W3 Sokól Part 2 (BACK IN STOCK) 9788361735021Multipurpose Utility Helicopter PZL W3 Sokól Part 2 (BACK IN STOCK)Answer kits€ 36.65
Aircraft of the Belgian Air Force, History of all aircraft and helicopters flown by the Belgian Air Force since 1946 bafAircraft of the Belgian Air Force, History of all aircraft and helicopters flown by the Belgian Air Force since 1946Belgian Air Force€ 36.65
Point Mugu Test Centres,  A Pictorial History - Part One (1945-1975) (BACK IN STOCK) Point Mugu 1Point Mugu Test Centres, A Pictorial History - Part One (1945-1975) (BACK IN STOCK)RN PublishingNAVAL AVIATION ARCHIVES - NAVAR #1€ 44.91
Samurai Support Fighter, The Mitsubishi F-1 in Japan Air Self-Defense Force squadron service SAMURAISamurai Support Fighter, The Mitsubishi F-1 in Japan Air Self-Defense Force squadron serviceIndividualAARG5€ 36.65
Modellers Airguide 18. Grumman A-6 Intruder AIRGUIDE 18Modellers Airguide 18. Grumman A-6 IntruderAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 17€ 12.80
Modellers Manual 11. North American P-47 Thunderbolt MANUAL 11Modellers Manual 11. North American P-47 ThunderboltAirmark MediaModellers Manual 11€ 14.63
V-22 Osprey (BACK IN STOCK) V-22 Osprey (BACK IN STOCK)CAVU Books€ 50.41
Vliegbewegingen, Ervaringen van testvlieger Pencil four Vliegbewegingen, Ervaringen van testvlieger Pencil fourNL Books€ 27.48
697, Montur-Start, uberfahrt zu Halifax -Start, kanal 1, Die geschichte des Jagdfliegergeschwader 1 NVA 697, Montur-Start, uberfahrt zu Halifax -Start, kanal 1, Die geschichte des Jagdfliegergeschwader 1 NVAMediascript€ 39.40
In Ehren außer Dienst gestellt, Jagdfliegergeschwaders 7 "Wilhelm Pieck" der NVA 9783000319402In Ehren außer Dienst gestellt, Jagdfliegergeschwaders 7 "Wilhelm Pieck" der NVAMediascript€ 32.06
Supermarine Spitfire in dienst van de RAF, LSK en Schreiner Aerocontractors / In service with the RAF,LSK  and Schreiner Aerocontractors (Updated Reedition) DF-16ASupermarine Spitfire in dienst van de RAF, LSK en Schreiner Aerocontractors / In service with the RAF,LSK and Schreiner Aerocontractors (Updated Reedition)Dutch DecalDutch Profile 16A€ 16.47
The McDonnel Douglas F15 Eagle, USAF and International versions The McDonnel Douglas F15 Eagle, USAF and International versionsPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 6€ 30.23
Boeing B29 & B50 Superfortress WS-143Boeing B29 & B50 SuperfortressHall ParkWarpaint Series No 143€ 26.56
Air Campaign 45: Operation Allied Force 1999, NATO's Airpower Victory in Kosovo Air Campaign 45: Operation Allied Force 1999, NATO's Airpower Victory in KosovoOspreyAir Campaign 45€ 18.30
Apache at War. Flying the World's deadliest attack helicopter in combat Apache at War. Flying the World's deadliest attack helicopter in combatBonnier Books€ 23.81
Modellers Manual 10 Lockheed P-38 Lightning MANUAL 10Modellers Manual 10 Lockheed P-38 LightningAirmark MediaModellers Manual 10€ 14.63
Modellers Airguide 17 Grumman EA-6B Prowler AIRGUIDE 17Modellers Airguide 17 Grumman EA-6B ProwlerAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 17€ 12.80
Fokker F16A/B Viper Koninklijke Luchtmacht/ Royal Dutch Air forrce DF-62Fokker F16A/B Viper Koninklijke Luchtmacht/ Royal Dutch Air forrceExpectedDutch DecalDutch Profile 62€ 16.47
Harrier: The World's First V/STOL Jet Combat Aircraft Harrier: The World's First V/STOL Jet Combat AircraftExpectedFonthill Media€ 31.15
C-47 Skytrain The "Gooney Bird" from Douglas C-47 Skytrain The "Gooney Bird" from DouglasSchifferLegends of Warfare€ 27.48
Les Avions de Transport et de Liaison de L'Armee de L'air de 1945 à nos jours (REPRINT) Les Avions de Transport et de Liaison de L'Armee de L'air de 1945 à nos jours (REPRINT)LELA PresseCollection Profils Avions No.41€ 66.93
Escadron de Chasse 3/3 Ardennes 1943 - 2023 Escadron de Chasse 3/3 Ardennes 1943 - 2023LELA PresseCollection Histoire des Unités n°15€ 45.83
Dolnop?atowe samoloty RWD , Low Wing LWD Aircraft Sam 12Dolnop?atowe samoloty RWD , Low Wing LWD AircraftStratus€ 14.63
Bristol Bulldog Mk IIA MMP-SI52Bristol Bulldog Mk IIAMushroom Model PublicationsSingle No 52€ 9.13
PACAF and Alaskan Air Command in the 1980s (October 2024) PACAF and Alaskan Air Command in the 1980s (October 2024)ExpectedAmberley€ 20.14
Liberator Down Liberator DownStichting James Keeffe€ 29.31
South African Air Force in Profile Artwork Volume 2 1985-2003 South African Air Force in Profile Artwork Volume 2 1985-2003Schalkwyk€ 64.17
South African Air Force in Profile Artwork Volune 1 1960-1989 (REPRINT) South African Air Force in Profile Artwork Volune 1 1960-1989 (REPRINT)Schalkwyk€ 64.17
AMX Ghibli  Photo Album AMX Ghibli Photo AlbumEfestosPhotoalbum Series€ 20.14
Aeritalia- Aermacchi-Embraer AMX A-11/T11 Ghibli Aeritalia- Aermacchi-Embraer AMX A-11/T11 GhibliEfestos€ 31.15
Modellers Airguide 16 Rockwell B-1 Lancer AIRGUIDE 16Modellers Airguide 16 Rockwell B-1 LancerAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 16€ 12.80
Modellers Manual 9. North American P-51 Mustang MANUAL 9Modellers Manual 9. North American P-51 MustangAirmark MediaModellers Manual 9€ 14.63
U-2 Dragon Lady Units 1955-90 U-2 Dragon Lady Units 1955-90OspreyCombat Aircraft 152€ 19.22
Boeing AH-64 Apache Flying with Air Forces around the World 034Boeing AH-64 Apache Flying with Air Forces around the WorldHMH PublicationsAircraft in Detail 034€ 24.72
Dutch Boys: almost 150 short tales by 62 Dutch fighter pilots Dutch Boys: almost 150 short tales by 62 Dutch fighter pilotsMartin Leeuwis€ 17.39
Beech Expeditor JRB / SNB / C-45 1940 through 1972 NF118Beech Expeditor JRB / SNB / C-45 1940 through 1972GinterNaval Fighters Number 118€ 26.56
50 years Hellenic Phantoms - The Epitome.  Limited publication 50 years F450 years Hellenic Phantoms - The Epitome. Limited publicationEagle Aviation€ 45.83
The Lockheed U2 Dragonlady The Lockheed U2 DragonladyPhoenix Scale PublicationsReal to Replica Red Series 5€ 27.48
HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane (expected February 2025) HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane (expected February 2025)ExpectedTempest Books€ 45.83
Samolot po Polsku 12: PZL.12, Nikol A-2 Sam 12Samolot po Polsku 12: PZL.12, Nikol A-2StratusSamolot po Polsku 12€ 9.13
Samolot turystyczny RWD-6 MAXI 15Samolot turystyczny RWD-6Stratus€ 15.55
PZL P.11f MMP-SI42PZL P.11fMushroom Model PublicationsSingle No 42€ 9.13
Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21R MMP-SI51Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21RMushroom Model PublicationsSingle No 51€ 9.13
Finland's Air Forces:  From Neutral to NATO Finland's Air Forces: From Neutral to NATOKey PublishingAir Forces€ 21.06
Air Forces of Latin America: Brazil Air Forces of Latin America: BrazilKey PublishingAir Forces of Latin America vol. 5€ 21.06
Modellers Manual 8. General Dynamics F-16 Viper MANUAL 8Modellers Manual 8. General Dynamics F-16 ViperAirmark MediaModellers Manual 8€ 14.63
Modellers Airguide 14. F2H Banshee Airmark F2HModellers Airguide 14. F2H BansheeAirmark MediaModellers Airguide 14€ 12.80
Aircraft History Volume 4: RAF Fighters 1950-60 UK-Based Units Part Three (Sabre, Javelin, Hunter, Swift, Vampire, Venom) Aircraft History Volume 4: RAF Fighters 1950-60 UK-Based Units Part Three (Sabre, Javelin, Hunter, Swift, Vampire, Venom)Coastal CraftAircraft History Volume 4€ 21.06
Super Snoopers: The Evolution and Service Career of the Specialist Boeing C135 series with the 55th wing and associated units Super Snoopers: The Evolution and Service Career of the Specialist Boeing C135 series with the 55th wing and associated unitsFonthill Media€ 44.91
100 años. Base Aérea de Getafe 1920-2020 100 años. Base Aérea de Getafe 1920-2020Ministerio de Defensa Espana€ 32.06
La Escuela Elemental de Pilotos en la Base Aérea de Granada La Escuela Elemental de Pilotos en la Base Aérea de GranadaMinisterio de Defensa Espana€ 18.30
Kleurrijke KLu, 50 Jaar Speciale Beschilderingen (inclusief de MLD) (SPECIALE AANBIEDING- WAS EURO 34,95) SPECIAL OFFERKleurrijke KLu, 50 Jaar Speciale Beschilderingen (inclusief de MLD) (SPECIALE AANBIEDING- WAS EURO 34,95)Violaero€ 17.39
Fokker CXIW Fokker CXIWLanastaWarplane No.14€ 18.30
De C119F/G  Flying Boxcar bij de Belgische Luchtmacht (LAST STOCKS!) 9789058682383De C119F/G Flying Boxcar bij de Belgische Luchtmacht (LAST STOCKS!)Serge Verbeeck€ 55.00
De C47B Dakota bij de Belgische Luchtmacht (LAST STOCKS!) 9789058682369De C47B Dakota bij de Belgische Luchtmacht (LAST STOCKS!)Serge Verbeeck€ 41.24
Koolhoven FK51 in Nederlands militaire dienst/ In Dutch Military service DF-60Koolhoven FK51 in Nederlands militaire dienst/ In Dutch Military serviceDutch DecalDutch Profile 60€ 16.47
Serie Aeronaval de la Armada Española No.18: Torpederos Blackburn Swift/Velos 1923-1931 Serie Aeronaval de la Armada Española No.18: Torpederos Blackburn Swift/Velos 1923-1931Ikonos PressSerie Aeronaval Armada Española No.18€ 10.05
Alas sobre Espana No.39: Beechcraft T-34 Mentor: Entrenador Basico de la AGA Alas sobre Espana No.39: Beechcraft T-34 Mentor: Entrenador Basico de la AGAIkonos PressAlas sobre Espana No.39€ 10.05

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